I'm hoping that whatever baclofen has done to my metabolism will wear off soon as I wean off bac completely.
That side-effect didn't last long and I've since lost the weight and packed on a good deal of muscle with a quick, protein-sparing modified fast (a la lyle mcdonald), heavy lifting, and leangains style intermittent fasting (all of which I found out about here first, from our own long-lost resident fitness guy and fellow baclofenista, lo0p).
Anyway Julianne, congratulations on your success and indifference.
I'm glad that you are going to titrate down before your surgery. There is currently no (commercially) available I.V. preparation of baclofen to give someone who cannot ingest the medication orally. If for some reason there were complications during your surgery that prevented you from continuing hdb post-op (nil per os, compromised consciousness, etc), you could be in a world of hurt.
Good luck and best wishes, -tk