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'Benzodiazapine Flu and Bac?

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    'Benzodiazapine Flu and Bac?

    I'm in my 3rd week after stopping Klonopin (Clonazepam). I've been having sweats and fever-like symptoms every night (with my insomnia) which I saw on Benzo Buddies is a common withdrawal symptom.

    Anyone had this? I'm up to 170mg of baclofen. Will the bad even this out sooner than the 6-12 months that I've read is the minimum duration of Benzo withdrawals?

    'Benzodiazapine Flu and Bac?

    Just browsing and saw your post. I find it odd that no one answered you. I am wondering how you are doing? How long were you on the Klonopin? Did you taper and how did you do it? I need to get my husband off lorazepam and would like to know what to do.

    Sorry I can't be of much assistance. I truly hope you are well.


      'Benzodiazapine Flu and Bac?

      Hi Krs,

      I have been on benzos for years, and have made a few unsuccessful attempts to get right off them. I have used the Valium tapering method recommended by Professor Ashton, which most on Benzobuddies seem to stick to, but once below about 2.5 mg I have always had rotten insomnia (a problem I have had in general anyway for over 20 years). As for baclofen, I have only so far used it in medium doses, such as 50-100 mg per day, and not constantly for long periods, so I can't comment too much on it. Others here are much more experienced with it than I am.

      My honest answer to your question is that I don't think anyone, whether a doctor, professor, or layperson, can truly predict another person's duration and course of benzo withdrawal. I do imagine it would be longer and more severe the longer a person had been taking a benzo on a daily basis, and also worse the higher the dose was, but thankfully only some people go through the horror story type of prolonged withdrawal you read about on benzo recovery sites.

      About a year ago, while not drinking, I switched my years-long (8-10 years from memory) daily use of 1 mg Xanax over to 20 mg Valium in 4 days, then started tapering the Valium down pretty fast, 1 mg a day reduction approximately, and I was able to withstand the withdrawals even though uncomfortable. I went down to 0 for a few days, but would have still had Valium in my system due to its very long half life. The insomnia forced me back onto 2.5-5 mg Valium per day at that point. Severe tinnitus is another sign that tells me I'm in benzo withdrawal; this also happens while detoxing from alcohol by the way.

      I am now seriously considering oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) as a way of getting off that last bit of Valium without going for days/weeks on end without proper sleep. This is an anticonvulsant drug I have seen mentioned over at benzobuddies occasionally, and which was successfully trialled (on a small scale) as a non-addictive benzo withdrawal agent I have also started mirtazapine, as I need treatment for depression, and even low doses (15 mg/day) have so far allowed me to quickly get back off the 0.5 mg/day Xanax I was recently taking during a relapse to drinking (I was taking it in the afternoons to avoid alcohol withdrawal, as I only drink at night). I did cross over to Valium after detoxing from alcohol, and mirtazapine has allowed me to go down to 5 mg (from 10) quickly without too much insomnia. I am getting the serious tinnitus however.

      Please keep in mind that I am only saying what I MYSELF am considering and trying, and I do not want to recommend my ideas to others when those ideas involve other medications. Some people on benzo recovery forums describe withdrawal problems from other drug types, including mirtazapine and possibly oxcarbazepine, although I doubt either of these withdrawals could be as bad or prolonged (in most cases) compared to those benzo withdrawal horror stories. I am not a doctor or other trained medical professional, by the way.

      Hi also to DesperateWife,

      Here is a link to Professor Heather Ashton's benzo withdrawal schedules 3 and 8, as these specifically outline how to get off lorazepam using diazepam (Valium) as a substitute. This cross-over to Valium is the method Prof Ashton recommends for benzo withdrawal: : Benzodiazepines: How They Work & How to Withdraw, Prof C H Ashton DM, FRCP, 2002

      You should talk to your doctor about this, or find another one willing to try this withdrawal idea if yours won't, in order to help your husband get off lorazepam.

