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JohnR hit the switch @ 75mg bac

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    JohnR hit the switch @ 75mg bac

    I started bac on 2/18/2011 on 10mg. Due to SE?s (insomnia, dizziness, lethargy, short-term memory loss), I struggled to get up to 90mg (the highest dosage I could reach), but then stabilized at 75mg for the year that followed. During this time, I was so envious of others who hitting their switch at 200-300mg. I knew that would never happen for me at such a low dosage however, it was working for AL cravings and I needed that in order to save my life. I took it religiously, never missing a dose. Then, on 2/29/2012 (leap year), something changed. It wasn?t a beautiful awakening, I actually felt sick that day. And then the next day, my attitude toward AL and how I felt about it was ?different?, or I should say ?indifference?. I felt absolute indifference about the one thing I clung onto and couldn?t let go of every single day for over a decade. I subsequently did something that some will disapprove of: titrate down, completely off Bac, which took a few days but I felt like I needed absolute clarity. Since I did not have a need for AL at this point, I did not need Bac and if I was wrong, I knew exactly what to do.

    About a week later, some friends dropped by and brought wine along with them. I told them I was on a cleanse, which did raise eyebrows but I happily opened and poured for them and poured myself ? of a glass which sat in front of me over the next couple hours as we socialized and they continued to drink. I never got through that ? glass. It didn?t taste any different than it ever had but it was just wine, no big deal. Then last week, I attended a big party where I would see friends I don?t see often. I knew everyone would be drinking heavily so for me, it was the ultimate test. In the five+ hours I was there, I had a martini and a few sips of another. This comes from a guy who consumed 1-1/2 bottles of wine or 5 double vodkas nightly - and that?s on a school night - for over 10 years. I had a great time at the party and even had a few glasses of straight cranberry juice while my friends were slamming shots. Other than those two occasions when I drank like a ?normal? person, (or less!) I am drinking lots of water and not missing or even thinking about AL at all. That said, I realize three weeks is not an eternity. I am the most skeptical person I know and if find myself in a place where I begin drinking or even craving AL, I will hop right Bac on (or is that ?on Bac? :H) right away. By the way, I suffer from social anxiety for which I am taking (and love) Relora. Other than that, just my blood pressure meds and that?s it.

    In retrospect, Bac helped me to first moderate with AL which for me was never possible and then it entirely changed how I felt I about it. That is the best way I can describe my switch. Even when I remind myself of these one, two and three week landmarks, I realize the drive to drink is just not there. Bac is truly a miracle.

    JohnR hit the switch @ 75mg bac

    So great to hear, John. I'm so glad you were able to get there (here!)!

    Congratulations and welcome to the other side! It's la vida loca. Minus the loca. But definitely with the party!


    Oh, and keep us posted, will you? I'm down to 130mg...Pretty sure I'm not going much lower, even though I don't have any craving...The idea makes me nervous! But maybe someday! And I'm collecting stories for when the time comes...


      JohnR hit the switch @ 75mg bac

      JohnR -- hearty congrats! I was just about to update on my own progress on my own thread, but my case has some similarity.

      Ne / Neva -- why are you trying to drop below 130mg? Thought you were having no / minimal SEs? This is what happens when I don't check in more regularly ... how quickly one loses touch!


        JohnR hit the switch @ 75mg bac

        In true Ne-fashion I answered your question and completely derailed the thread, so I'm just going to move it over to my thread! Hope you'll see it there!

        John, I posted this thread on the Sweet Success thread. If you have the time and inclination, will you post a bit of your story over there? Then I'll take the link off... I know it's inspired me more than once to keep my eyes on the goal, even after achieving indifference.


          JohnR hit the switch @ 75mg bac

          Hi Ne,
          Sure and thanks for the well wishes. As you know, I am not a big poster on MWO but I wanted to report my progress because I reached indifference with such a low dosage which I never expected to happen.

          I look forward to checking out your thread. I too drop in here periodically, but I know there are some newbies here who are contemplating meds as a course of action so I wanted my name to be added to the growing list of Bac success stories.

          Bac works. It gave me hope and untimately, freedom. :thanks:


            JohnR hit the switch @ 75mg bac

            Nothing wrong with being the first (or second) of many. You know where to find the success thread?


              JohnR hit the switch @ 75mg bac

              Sounds like you are sensitive to meds like me. I went through a tough time with SE's and on such a low dose while others were sailing along on super high doses, hitting their switches and with little and in some cases no SE's at all. It was pretty discouraging.

              My 75mg took a long time to reach but it was a dose I could tolerate and maintain while cutting back on AL. I took 15mg when I woke up and then every few hours and never missed a day. I doubt I'm the first to switch on LDB and yes, it took a year to hit my switch but if it happened for me, no doubt it could and most likely has for others.


                JohnR hit the switch @ 75mg bac

                Then, on 2/29/2012 (leap year), something changed. It wasn?t a beautiful awakening, I actually felt sick that day. And then the next day, my attitude toward AL and how I felt about it was ?different?, or I should say ?indifference?. I felt absolute indifference about the one thing I clung onto and couldn?t let go of every single day for over a decade. I subsequently did something that some will disapprove of: titrate down, completely off Bac, which took a few days but I felt like I needed absolute clarity. Since I did not have a need for AL at this point, I did not need Bac and if I was wrong, I knew exactly what to do.

                I think the will power is most important things.I also stop drinking easily when I feel sick !!
                At that time my willing power works as scaring of fatal incidents.
                A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                2013 : So many ups and down !!

                2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                  JohnR hit the switch @ 75mg bac

                  In the past, I never stopped drinking, sick or not. That is, not until I hit the switch. Baclofen is truly a miracle.


                    JohnR hit the switch @ 75mg bac

                    hmmm. I thought there was another guy on this thread...

                    There was! Rangiatea! Where did he go??? From what I can recall he took bac for a long time, really slowly because of the bad SEs, and found that he simply stopped wanting to drink...Definitely under 100mgs, though I can't remember how much.



                      JohnR hit the switch @ 75mg bac

                      How are you John? Still out there?

