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Topamax and Weight Loss

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    Topamax and Weight Loss

    I am interested in using Topamax for weight loss, in addition to the benefits it has to reduce alcohol cravings. I have been AF for 29 days, and my cravings are minimal, just the every now and then thought of how nice it would be to have a drink.

    However, I am 60 lbs overweight and nothing seems to work (to help me lose weight). I have heard that Topamax is very effective for weight loss, and I wanted to know if the side effects were tolerable. I honestly don't want to go through ANY side effects, other than weight loss, lol. Are side effects unavoidable with this drug?

    Any help you could provide is welcome.:thanks:

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath

    Topamax and Weight Loss

    Hi LG,

    I would suggest going to the doctor and seeing if you're insulin resistant. That is, IF you've stuck religiously to a weight loss regime and had no success. If appetite is your demon and you cave all the time, you might try topa - didn't help me but I'm insulin resistant and no amount of dieting seems to get me past a certain set point. I'm now taking metformin which an endocrinologist RXd for me three years ago but I was afraid to take because it - like wellbutrin and topa and other RX - has a scary list of possible side effects. However, I am unlike anyone I know in dieting; my friends and family all think I am a closet eater because I don't eat enough in a day to be this fat. So if you're like me, you might see the doctor and get your insulin checked. You might have metabolic syndrome like me, and PCOS and no amount of dieting will get you where you want to be. Of course a healthy diet is important no matter what your goals are.


      Topamax and Weight Loss

      Thanks Bruun. I'm not sure appetite is my demon, but I don't eat copious amounts of food. I just can't seem to stick to a rigorous diet, devoid of high calorie foods. I have done WW twice in the past, and the most I was able to lose was around 13 lbs. And, it seemed like I was working my ass off to get those measly pounds! I was exercising an hour + a day, and watching my points, but never lost enough to even stick with it.

      I guess I am at my wits end. Quitting AL was in large part motivated by my belief that AL was responsible for my inability to lose weight and/or the weight gain in the first place. So far, nothings changed.:upset:

      All the doctor's I've talked to in the past about my weight just say eat less and exercise. If it was that easy we'd all be slim. I've had my thyroid checked numerous times and it came back normal. I don't think I've had my insulin checked recently, but that type of disorder is not in my family.

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        Topamax and Weight Loss

        Topa does NOT make everyone lose weight. The SEs can be brutal. If you are not taking it fight AL, IMO, stay away from it.

        Just my 2 cents ...


          Topamax and Weight Loss

          Insulin resistance is not in my family Either. Drinking is Caribs and sugar which creates insulin res.

          Sorry phone keeps changing spelling

          I can only correct so much!

          Hopefully you will see what I am saying.

          Glutzmine cZn help with cfaving


            Topamax and Weight Loss

            I am also interested in losing weight as well as reducing cravings. What is the best doseage to achieve this? Does any one know please?
            If at first you dont succeed......


              Topamax and Weight Loss

              Topa causes a weight loss SE in some people, just like it cause the 'tinglies' in others but everyone's different. Bruunhilde is right, have your insulin checked - its a simple and inexpensive test. Alcohol can mess with insulin and even cause diabetes after years of abuse.

              Also, now that you are not drinking anymore, what are you doing instead? I find I have quite a lot more time to fill and have signed up for a yoga group to help with relaxation and toning. I also want to lose weight - I gained 20kgs from Al. I think I will lose the weight if I stay AF, I managed to lose 5kg in the past when I went AF for a month. I hope it will work this time around.

