Hi, I'm new to MWO. Very excited to find this program. I like to "pretend" I can drink normally, and at times I am successful. To best describe it, It's luck of the draw. Sometimes I can stop, sometimes I can't. After 20 years of drinking out of control every night, I now drink about once a week. This has been going on for about a year and a half. The obsession is gone, but the thoughts are always there. I've just learned how to not act on them every time. After all, they are just thoughts... Yeah, I know, I should just stop completely, but if I could be on of the lucky one's like RJ that would be nice.
ANYWAY. My questions is the difference between Campral and Topamax. I actually started taking Campral and a ton of herbs about two weeks ago and have been more obsessed with drinking since. Not good. Actually snuck a few, which I haven't done in a LONG TIME. Drank 3-4 times in the last week. I'm fearful of sliding back into my old habits, and today I just want to cry.
Is Topamax better if you want to "control" drinking and not give it up completely? Do you have to quit, like w/ Campral? Any input would be apprecitaed. Thanks!!!!!