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Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

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    Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

    Just like it says. I find myself thirstier than ever and I can't seem to quench it. It seems worse when I titrate up.
    Anyone else have that happen?
    Bad nite the other nite. Just went up in dose, was at a chef class where he served some wine and tequila. I felt flat on my fact when I got home. Looks like I was in a bar fight.
    Good times. :upset:

    Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

    yadrunkbstard;1288378 wrote: shutup, you whine more than you post, werent you dehydreated after drinkin?
    You mr, are a very sad person and I think you should rather leave this forum. This is a positive space for people who want to quit drinking, not for drunk bastards who want to pick fights. Go to your local pub, you'll find plenty of like-minded individuals there.


      Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

      Yes, he is trolling my other threads too. I doubt he is sober based on his lack of spelling skills. No worries.


        Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

        COSGringo;1287955 wrote: I felt flat on my fact when I got home. Looks like I was in a bar fight.
        I also fell on my face on Saturday. I wasnt drunk but I was hungover. I heard my dad was in the ICU and was diagnosed with cancer so I grabbed a quick outside shower and on my way inside I tripped on the steps and my lip hit the upper step square on. So instead of going to the ICU I ended up in the ER.

        I haven't read your back posts, mr drunk bastard here brought me here as he posted on our usual thread to 'get drunk and all your worries will go away' but I'm glad it brought me to you.

        I used the fall as a turning point, after 3 weeks on Topa the cravings were subsided so I decided to add Antabuse for a month. Today is my 4th alcohol free day and I haven't felt this good in ages, even though my lip is still a bit sore and I doubt the inside of my mouth will ever quite be the same (but everything vital is still there)

        How is your injury doing? Did you go to the doc? I took some 'diclofenac sodium' tablets which really helped for the swelling.

        I'm rooting for you, you too can use this as a positive change in your life. :l



          Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

          Oh, and the Topa makes you so thirsty! I drink about 3 litres of water a day. But after what I've put my body through, I think its probably doing it good. (though its no fun with a bust dry lip)


            Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

            COS, I felt dehydrated too. I think it's a pretty common side effect. Sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you're healing.

            You are here:


              Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

              Dude. Stop.


                Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

                COS, ignore the "Neneva" troll. It's the same ol' troll pretending to be Neva. How pathetic.

                You are here:


                  Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

                  Ne, x-posted.

                  You are here:


                    Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

                    Thanks, I still look like Rocky from his first movie but getting there!
                    I think a saline IV would be nice. I can only drink so much water.


                      Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

                      Dry mouth and sense of thirst are common side effects of Bacs. It does not mean u r dehydrated..


                        Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

                        Makes sense. Funny thing is I am still drinking but anything beyond 6 (that was nothing back in the day) and I am in a bad way. Like a sort of antabuse.


                          Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

                          lol. sorry to laugh. It's with you, not at you.

                          Yep. The dehydration...I'd forgotten all about that! But I am still obsessed with my favorite water bottles. I started using them because they are big. And then I kept losing them because I was all bac-ed out and because I lose stuff...(it turns out. Can't blame the bac for everything, dangit. Though I did! )
                          It think I remember drinking electrolyte stuff, but I can't swear to that and don't know that it's a solution. Sorry I can't be more help! (No energy drinks, btw. They're bad for you anyway, but they might be really bad for you with bac. Maybe. Dunno. But maybe is good enough for me to mention it in this case.)
                          Sorry for the bruises, and for the fall.
                          I was absolutely amazed at how little I drank. And I still can't believe how much money I spent on booze. yowza.
                          Yer gonna be rich. And without beer bloat. And bruise free. soon. yay! (speaking of which, did someone actually win that crazy lottery?)


                            Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

                            Isn't bac processed in your kidneys, so your supposed to drink a ton of water?
                            Sorry about the bruises too, COS. They'll go away. I've screwed up my face too many times to count. Until recently, I thought my eyebrows were plucked asymmetrically. Nope. There's a permanent lump above my right eye from a particularly nasty fall that landed me in the ER a few years ago.
                            Ne, BF and I haven't checked the 14 (!) tickets he bought yet. So, there's a possibility (I'm gonna go ahead and say it's pretty likely) that we're millionaires.
                            "Yet someday this will have an end
                            All choices made or choice resigned,
                            And in your face the literal eye
                            Trace little of your history,
                            Nor ever piece the tale entire
                            Of villages that had to burn
                            And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                            Before you could be safe from time
                            And gather in your brow and air
                            The stillness of antiquity."

                            From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


                              Did u find urself dehydrated more when on Bac?

                              That's funny. So maybe that Gatorade stuff? I have a bunch of mix for that.
                              Face is healing, oh well.
                              I wish I could say I am saving $ but between buying Bac over the Inet (Dr L still does not have my amounts right as the pharmacy won't fill it as much as he wanted and they want to talk to him). Talking to Dr. L ($130). Seeing my old counselor ($100). I seem to be in a bigger hole then when I drank. I kept most of my drinking at home at not at bars. One day!
                              At least 3 people won that lottery which is why you don't play when it's all over the news. More likely there will be more winners since everyone is playing. I don't bother anyways. That $1 would go better towards by Bac scrip!

