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    Completely unrelated info. Sort of...

    Hiya, peeps.

    I watched this movie tonight. It blew me away. It's about food and nutrition, but also much more. And it feels as though it's a real part of our struggle to be and stay well. Certainly most of us have heard this before...and some may feel as though it's a...that it's unachievable. But it's not. And the movie is essentially about hope. I found that here.

    It's free until midnight tonight. I don't know by what time zone!

    Free Worldwide Online Premiere Cinema | FOODMATTERS?

    And I'm not shilling! :H

    Completely unrelated info. Sort of...

    thanks for that, ne!
    Food,Inc., is another to watch.


      Completely unrelated info. Sort of...

      Thanks, Ne.

      Yep. This is how it is for too many. I'm not sure we can stem the tide, but we can certainly change our own lives - profoundly - by making nutrition, at every level, a priority. And by opening our eyes to the realities of food and food production.

      Actually, in my community, there is a lot being done to stem the tide. Sometime in the late '90's I took some yoga students to another city for classes with a teacher I delighted in studying with. They happened to get up in the morning and visit the local "farmer's market," and came back to start our own city's first market for local, organic produce, which extended to include eggs from organically fed chickens, organic beef, et al.

      More than a decade later, we have several "farmer's markets," and it's possible to find all of that good stuff at least 4 days of any week, from April - September, and sometimes beyond. AND I'm part of a "community garden," (via my contribution of putting the people who wanted to garden together with the person who had the garden-able space, not by dint of hard work), and had fresh greens from the cold frames for most of the winter, and asparagus picked in the morning and on my plate that night, just a few days ago. I'm a lucky girl.

      There's a quiet revolution toward locally grown, organic produce, et al. Check around, everyone. There is probably a place for you to buy exactly what your body craves from someone not too far from you!

      Champion juicers rule. Wheat-grass growing and juicing is a life-style in and of itself! But if you think you've tried everything . . . well, maybe not!!
      "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


        Completely unrelated info. Sort of...

        Also, I still think John Robbins' (think son of Baskin-Robbins) book, "Diet for a New America" is one of the most compelling narratives around about all of "this." I should find an old copy somewhere and re-read it; but I remember how eye-opening it was, even after I had quit eating meat for a few years.
        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


          Completely unrelated info. Sort of...

          Hi Ne, I haven't watched the video yet but just wanted to say hello and wish you all the best. You have been such a consistent and helpful contributor here for so long now. I'm not online very much at present, much less on the forum, but glad to see you and others still going well.

