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Combining Topamax and Antabuse

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    Combining Topamax and Antabuse

    Hi there

    I was wondering if anyone else here is taking Antabuse in combination with Topa. I've been on Topa for almost a month now and I've been doing very well on it. It made me a bit tired but other than that I've been very lucky on the SE front.

    It took away all the physical cravings at 50mg but it bugged me that I kept drinking anyway as my brain was so used to using alcohol as a treat. So I decided to combine it with AB for a month to break the 'happy hour habit'.

    Now, I am very happy to say that the process of going AF for the last 7 days has been almost painless. On a level of discomfort I would say about 3 out of 10 whereas normally it would have been 10.

    My problem is that I've been very dizzy and tired (damn user name was supposed to be meant FIGURATIVELY) for the last week. I have used AB before and I know that it takes a while to get into your system so I've now decided to cut down to half a tablet a day. I'm afraid that if I go to every second day it would be to easy to skip another day and then another and then its happy hour again

    Anyway, just wonder if anyone has advice or a similar experience and I'm also happy to share if anyone is wanting to take a similar route.



    Combining Topamax and Antabuse

    Thats hot I went and got drunk again, by just taking the AB every other day and then it was 2 dyas break in then 3 and then I got drunk. I am back on day 1 now and finding it really hard, I feel so depressed and really want a drink if I had any alcohol in the house I would have drank it, I felt bad before I drank but its so much worse now. I combine it with bac, Ive never tried topa


      Combining Topamax and Antabuse

      I'm sorry you're having a crap time. God knows I've had many of those in the last 6 years. In fact it pretty much sums up most of them.

      Everyone's different - I can't use antabuse on its own as it doesnt do anything for my cravings and I end up drinking on it and getting sick. Baclofen didn't do anything for my cravings and Naltrexone made me as sick as a dog.

      Topa is my magic potion - on 50mg I have almost no cravings and my mood is great. I think the AB is causing the dizziness but I'm only going to take it for a month to break the tug-of-war habit of debating having a drink every night.

      Thats why I don't want to take every second day - my brain is way too smart when it plans on drinking and skipping that extra day will be really easy if my second day is a bad one. I also take the AB when I wake up, before my 'addict' brain wakes up.

      Hang in there, the first day is the worst. Is the baclofen working for your cravings though?


        Combining Topamax and Antabuse

        I have been having cravings all day but thats the depression tho, I want to escape from. Because of my sons being here I cant get out of the house to get drink, which is probably a good thing.


          Combining Topamax and Antabuse

          Have you taken both meds today? If you can just stick it out tonight and because your son you will tomorrow will be better.

          I know what you're going through, I had lots of similar evenings with my brother. I'm in a relationship but its long distance so I stay with my brother and he took me to rehab last year so I try not to drink in front of him or not to make it obvious so I would not go to the shop unless I could think of an excuse etc. Sometimes youre grateful to them and sometimes you hate them for being there...its complicated.

          I'd say get on the antabuse as quick as possible and then consider if baclofen is working for you. I'm sorry about the depression, hangovers and regret make it worse. Are you on an AD as well? I've tried loads of different ones but the ironic thing is that Topamax is the first medicine to actually lift my depression in ten years. The others either did nothing or made the drinking worse (for example Effexor)

          Sending positive thoughts your way.


            Combining Topamax and Antabuse


            Have you taken your Antabuse today? How about your Baclofen? I am going to assume you haven't. Not as judgmental but as a reflection of myself.
            Your son is there and my daughter is here; Space they are everything to us. You and I both know that they are here to straighten our ass out.

            Stay with me okay? You got me believing in Antabuse and I am not letting you back out on me!

            The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

            *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


              Combining Topamax and Antabuse

              Looks like you have made lots of friends on here Don't give up Space, just see yesterday as a bad day, swallow the Antabuse before you wipe the sleep from your eyes, and keep on fighting the good fight. I sometimes take two on the first day to ensure it kicks in in a few hours. Hugs. :l

