After 5 or 6 serious attempts at quitting drinking over the last few years I'm finally having some luck this time. I've tried many things in the past (Kaiser chem. dependency program/AA/Campral/CBT), and the longest I've made it is 2 mos. Somehow I'm at 90 days now with seeing a psychologist bi-weekly. Things have been going so-so with a few brutal days here and there with what I'm assuming is PAWS, but everything started falling apart at day 90 for some reason. Every day last week was filled with obsessive thoughts about getting a drink and just complete sadness, frustration, and anger.
Last night was the worst yet. I spent 3 hours driving back and forth to the bar battling myself over whether I should get a drink or not. Of course my mind was saying that I can just get a few beers and be a casual drinker again. Unreal how many times I've let my mind convince myself of that and then gone back to drinking a daily fifth of bourban a week later. Finally, with the help of my wife the battle shifted to the side of not drinking.
I was prescribed some bac last summer after reading Dr. Ameisen's book, and it seemed to lessen cravings for a week or so. But then I'd be back to drinking the same amount while taking 150mg bac as well so I figured why add a prescription med that's not working so I tapered out. But now that all hell is breaking loose at day 90 I'm starting to take it again.
My worries are that now that I'm taking it and I've read all these posts I'll start to think that I can have an occasional drink and be protected by bac. I keep thinking, 'this will be so nice, i can't wait to have a beer and not need more alcohol than that now that i'm bac,'... but that's not exactly indifference.
I'm wondering if I can still get to a 'switch' that everyone is talking about since I didn't have luck in the past with bac, and since I'm starting it after already being sober for a bit? And I'm also worried that since I weigh 235lbs I'll never get to a high enough dose to reach that switch (it seems in the book he's always talking about mg/lb)?
Anyway, sorry for a long post. I really just wanted to get something out there, but apologize if this has already been hashed out in other posts. Thanks again for everyone's previous posts that have helped me so much.