I am up to 210mg of Bac, and it does work. I drink MAYBE a glass of wine a day since about 3 months ago, and plan on going up until I hit AI, and then back down.
For now, I came off of Klonopin after having been prescribed it for over a decade, and it was one of the most difficult experiences of my life.
Now, I am going to wait another 3 weeks, and attempt to come off of Paxil (also over a decade) as I would like to enjoy sex again

So, questions for anyone who has been on bac and come off of Paxil:
I am at 30mg a day. I researched the various Paxil Withdrawal forums, and I am getting different ideas.
Anyone here been on bac and come off Paxil? What should I expect? Will it be as hard as the Benzo withdrawal? Please feel free to write volumes as this is the only place I will get baclofen/Paxil info.
Thanks in advance,