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How bad is it to miss a dose when you are on HBD?

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    How bad is it to miss a dose when you are on HBD?

    Just wondering. Woke up this morning (well woke up lots during the night) and noticed I did not take my evening dose. OK to start up the full regimen again? Don't want tweak out or something...

    How bad is it to miss a dose when you are on HBD?

    I would continue taking the same dose as you were on just ignoring the skipped dose. Not a doc, just IMO.


      How bad is it to miss a dose when you are on HBD?

      Thx, that's what I did and everything seemed fine. I have reminders on my phone now which helps.


        How bad is it to miss a dose when you are on HBD?

        I did that one night. Woke up in the middle of the night and freaked out because I'd missed my last dose of 100mg! Called the doc (yep. In the middle of the night.) and he suggested what you did. And everything worked out.

        I have been missing doses recently too. (I am very bad about that. Always have been.) I missed 60mg of my 140 yesterday. Remembered it after I got in bed, and just didn't feel like getting up.

        Mind you it's been a year and a half...I don't really worry about it anymore. Which is knuckleheaded.
        I noticed yesterday and last night that I am very, very jumpy. I woke up last night several times when there was a bump in the night and felt my heart race a bit and a surge of adrenalin. Now I KNOW this is related to both my underlying anxiety and that baclofen treats it. It was the first symptom I saw leave!
        So note to self: Even though it's been a year and a half, (I should) take the damn pills on time and in the same amount every day. Dangit. Glad you set your phone! and thanks for the reminder. I'll do it now.


          How bad is it to miss a dose when you are on HBD?

          Hey Ne! So I know you had to hit about 300 to get to your "switch". How long did you have to stay at that? I am sick of sleeping on and off on the couch because I don't want to keep my wife up as she is a lousy sleeper as it is. I sometimes wonder if the SE's are any better than the other problem but I want to stay till at least 300. At that point if I am not in SE hell I will call Dr L and see if he will call the pharm and get my scrip fixed since I now have to order overseas to keep up with my dose. I am at 225 now. Probably stay there a week and go up only 5 maybe 10 mgs.

