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Hair loss on Topamax

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    Hair loss on Topamax

    I was discussing starting Topomax today with my Doc as a change from my other med for neuroptahy. It had cropped up before but I did not go for it. I am doing well on the Bac and if I do decide to start it would help both problems.
    My question is...
    I have heard it can cause hair loss. this would be a no-no for me as a good head of hair is about all I have going for me at present :H
    I also heard it can bugger up your memory and I am already half brain dead with my Oxcarbazepine.
    Does anyone have any ifo about these issues and if they wear off if you start and decide to stop?


    Hair loss on Topamax

    I don't remember hair loss. The side effects can be pretty potent. It definitely "buggered up" my memory (in that my brain worked in a slow, confused fashion) when I was at a higher dose. I'd have to stop and really think about what I was doing, what I was supposed to do next, that sort of thing.

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      Hair loss on Topamax

      I'm a regular on the 'New here starting topa with a question' thread and none of us have hair loss problems. I think one or two had some memory issues but it went away after a couple of weeks. It varies much from person to person and from what I've read and experienced with Baclofen I'm scared to take that

      So, I dunno. Personally I would say Topa has changed my life completely, I went alcohol free in two weeks time because I no longer felt like it. I have energy, I feel upbeat, I concentrate better, but thats just me. My doc actually gave me the Topamax as a mood stabiliser for soft spectrum bipolar after Lamictal did nothing for me and I asked if we could try this. Your med is also an anticonvulsant mood stabilizing drug - is it working for you, I mean is it worth the 'half brain deadness'?

      Here are some threads here and some patient reviews you can read to give you a more rounded approach.

      I think the hairloss happens to less than 5% of people and you can take 1000-5000mg of biotin to counteract this possibility. Most people feel a little bit tired and a little bit forgetful for a week or two after starting and after titrating up but with the right supplements and diet and with not titrating up too fast, this is all very managable.

      Hope this helps.

      TOPAMAX: Side effects, ratings, and patient comments



        Hair loss on Topamax

        I will second DizzyBee that baclofen can have side effects very similar (and even worse at high dose) to what used to be called "topa brain." Start on a low dose and go slow. See how it goes for you. If you want to back off or quit topa altogether, you are free to do that. You're not signing a contract or anything. There's really no way to know for sure how it is going to affect you until you try it yourself. Just increase the dose slowly. You'll be fine.

        And, no hair loss. Back when I took it (2007 or so) it proved to be a great appetite suppressant for me too. Good luck.

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          Hair loss on Topamax


          Thanks so much folks! I am dashing out the door to go see my mum (120 miles) but will reply in more detail when I get back. :l


            Hair loss on Topamax

            Hi Dream - I too, take Topa, and have never had the hair loss. It is like any med - some get the SE's and some don't. As Dizzy said - right now, none of us on the Starting Topa thread, have had it but it can be a SE - I know of a couple of folk who have had it and stopped the Topa. Bac scares me 'cos of the SE's - I did get Topa Dopa initially and now and then do get it - but can also put that down to age - LOL. Have a good visit with your mum

            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              Hair loss on Topamax

              Started topa last Tuesday for weight loss and mood stabilizing. I'm a 47 yr old female and overweight at 160lbs, 5'1 and highly stressed. Signed up with personal trainer two weeks prior and work out two days per week. Totally gave up alcohol. Diagnosed with pre diabetes. Cholesterol at 288 and elevated blood pressure. sent my precious daughter to stay with my sister to keep her out of harms way and maintain her happy spirit while I put on my boxing gloves. Packed up my office at work and started interviewing. I also told my husband it would be safer for him to go take care of his mother for a few days while his sister was out of town. He got the hint and left. Topa has miraculously balanced my mood in just 7 days. I haven't felt calmer all year. I weighed in last nite and lost six lbs. my boss called me into a conference with the partners and asked me what could they do to convince me to stay. I successfully stated my case, told them I would be working the next two weeks on part time summer hours then went home to change for the gym. Topamax has given me the ability to have control over my life again. I have dry mouth and some blurred vision and sunlight is quite annoying but the loss of appetite, weight loss, and and mood stabilizing is exactly what I needed in my life. However I am extremely worried about hair loss. I'm glad to see no one has experienced it here and I pray that is the case for me as well. If not, I will have to let my wonder drug go.


                Hair loss on Topamax

                Sweety Pie,

                First of all, I applaud you for doing what you need to do to take care of yourself. At the end of the day, if you don't, you will let your loved ones down in a horrible way and your recognizing this and your husband supporting you in this is priceless.

                I have known a couple of people on MWO who experienced hair loss with Topa. Unfortunately, it can happen. I can suggest, though, that as a proactive step you include a good Biotin supplement daily to your vitamins.

                When I had gastric bypass a few years ago, hair loss was also a part of that process as the first six months after surgery ingesting enough nutrients to support your body is difficult. The Biotin helped stop the hair loss and reversed it for me. My SIL had radiation for a brain tumor and experienced the usual hair loss from that treatment, Biotin helped her regrow the hair.

                Rather than worry too much about a side effect that you may or may not experience, though, add a Biotin supplement to your diet. At the end of the day, you might even end up with thicker, fuller hair and very strong fingernails.

                Mostly, though, I am glad to hear that Topa has helped stabilize your mood and is making such a positive impact on your life. That, too, is priceless.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Hair loss on Topamax

                  Hi Cinders:

                  What is Biotin?

                  I take topa. No hair loss SE. Memory loss/mix them Topa Moments.

                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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                    Hair loss on Topamax

                    i have been on topa for 6mths and i must be the 5% my hair is comming out in clumps! I was scared of this so always took bioten while on it. I have stoped topa now, just hopping the hair will stop failing out soon
                    Each day I strive to be the best mother, daughter, sister and friend I can be!

