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I need advice

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    I need advice

    I apologize if this has already come up and I missed it. I'm not a doctor, but at least wanted to throw this out there. Is there any chance this is just post acute alcohol syndrome? I don't know how much you drank, but I know PAWS can amp up towards your 2nd and 3rd month of sobriety and matches some of your symptoms. There are TONS of websites on it that I'm sure you've seen I just wanted to mention it in case. Best of luck with everything.

    And to stay on track: I'm on 90mg of bac, 20mg of Lexipro and am not have OCD/anxiety issues except getting songs stuck in my head all the time for some reason.

    Common symptoms of post acute withdrawal syndrome are (from good ol' wikipedia)

    Psychosocial dysfunction
    Impaired interpersonal skills
    Obsessive-compulsive behaviour
    Feelings of guilt
    Autonomic disturbances
    Pessimistic thoughts
    Impaired concentration
    Lack of initiative
    Inability to think clearly
    Memory problems
    Emotional overreactions or numbness
    Sleep disturbances
    Physical coordination problems
    Stress sensitivity
    Increased sensitivity to pain
    Panic disorder
    Generalised anxiety disorder


      I need advice

      Good to hear about LDB. Once I see this new doctor, I'm going to explore that. In terms if my drinking, I don't know if these symptoms are HDB Baclofen, Klonopin Withdrawal, or who knows re alcohol. I was drinking about 2 bottles of wine (or similar in booze) a night for about 6 days a week for some time.


        I need advice

        Morning, K.
        That's about how much booze I used to drink, too. I cannot believe how much $$$ it cost. Even drinking $3 Chuck! (:H ugh. I cannot stomach the stuff now. I recently tried to cook with some and I'm pretty sure it's all in my head, but I couldn't eat my dinner.)

        So what's news? Are things settling down? Sleep? pDoc?

        My singular goal for today (okay, on top of all the others) is to make appointments to interview shrinks. I have been whining about the fact that I don't have a local psychiatrist for about two years. I actively tried to find one about a year ago...And then pretty much stopped. Which is knuckleheaded of me. (I have this great fear that the doc we get our bac from will get hit by a motorscooter or something. And then what??? :H And like you, I have concluded that he is a saint in terms of bac, but not a good choice for active, ongoing medical care... Central time zone is a long way from here!)

        So let me know what you decide and how that goes. Fingers crossed for you, and for myself!

