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Please help

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    Please help

    Hi there, I am hoping someone may be able to help me..........I am 56 days AF but my prescription of baclofen has not arrived from my online pharmacy and I run out of baclofen tomorrow! I have phoned the pharmacy and they assure me it is posted but I cannot risk having no baclofen and I am not sure what to do. Is there anyone in the uk who is willing to sell me some baclofen and I will pay double what u paid for it. Please help x

    Please help



      Please help

      Maybe try a GP for a script for your MS friend from any where who is visiting and needs the Meds


        Please help

        So sorry, allthestars! Are you on a crazy high dose? I guess either ride it out or go to an urgent care (or the UK equivalent). Wish I could do more to help. Best of luck!!
        "Yet someday this will have an end
        All choices made or choice resigned,
        And in your face the literal eye
        Trace little of your history,
        Nor ever piece the tale entire
        Of villages that had to burn
        And playgrounds of the will destroyed
        Before you could be safe from time
        And gather in your brow and air
        The stillness of antiquity."

        From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


          Please help

          Not wishing to cause undue alarm, but if you are taking a medium or large daily dose of baclofen and have been taking it for a while, you will likely need some sort of assistance if you suddenly don't have any. Baclofen withdrawals can be severe and rather dangerous. A hospital emergency department is one of the few options, as most doctors won't prescribe a large baclofen dose (or any at all) for alcohol dependence. If you get on well with your own doctor, he could possibly help, but most would probably not take kindly to someone self-prescribing the drug and buying it online. I'd help if I could but am unfortunately in Australia, so I don't have any way of getting any of it to you quickly.


            Please help

            How did it work out? Did you get what you needed? I hope so!


              Please help

              She is ok and has got some this morning.


                Please help

                Oh good. I really was very concerned.
                "Yet someday this will have an end
                All choices made or choice resigned,
                And in your face the literal eye
                Trace little of your history,
                Nor ever piece the tale entire
                Of villages that had to burn
                And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                Before you could be safe from time
                And gather in your brow and air
                The stillness of antiquity."

                From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


                  Please help

                  Hi there, thank you for all your concern. The wee star that is spacebebe helped me out and they arrived yesterday morning so could have quite literally saved my life! I have now put in an order online from a different pharmacy that takes 4 days to post to the uk as they are in France. The one I have been using can take up to 14 days to deliver but it is now well over three weeks late and I don't think it's going to turn up.
                  So thanks again spacebebe, it's nice to know there is lovely people like you to there still who are willing to help out strangers xx


                    Please help

                    That was meant to's nice to know there is lovely people like you out there still who are willing to help out strangers xx


                      Please help

                      I'm so glad it worked out. I let that happen once when I was on a high dosage and it was terrifying. Hopefully now you'll be like be me, with a stockpile of months' worth!
                      "Yet someday this will have an end
                      All choices made or choice resigned,
                      And in your face the literal eye
                      Trace little of your history,
                      Nor ever piece the tale entire
                      Of villages that had to burn
                      And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                      Before you could be safe from time
                      And gather in your brow and air
                      The stillness of antiquity."

                      From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


                        Please help

                        Yes I was terrified to experience any of the abrupt withdrawal symptoms I have read about baclofen. I am on 110mg a day so am not sure if that is considered a high dose?? But you are right I won't let it happen again. It makes you wonder how many people have read about baclofen online regarding its help in alcohol dependency and then order online from a pharmacy, but don't have the support and knowledge to be learned from a forum such as this and just stop or run out of baclofen. There must be people out there like that and they must wonder what is happening to them if they start hallucinating or getting muscle spasms or even worse!


                          Please help

                          I'm so glad you're okay, ATSs.
                          And I just want to pop in and say THANKS to Space, too. Well done and we all appreciate you helping out! What an incredible gang of drunks, we are, eh'?

                          "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                            Please help

                            Space is the best, isn't she? :l

                            All, I don't think 110 would cause any abrupt changes. I'm no expert and everyone is different, and anxiety about it would surely be tough on its own.

                            If this ever happens again, I would start tapering down a week before you're supposed to get delivery if you're going to be without pills if it doesn't arrive.

                            I know being without my 50mg of bac can sometimes throw me off sleep and raise my anxiety levels, it usually takes 24 hours so I try to avoid not taking it.

                            Take care everyone!

