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What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

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    What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

    After much research, i think bacoflen may be right for me.
    I already take anti depressants.
    Could people help me out and tell me what sort of sides effects you experienced while on bacoflen?

    What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

    I have never got up to high doses on bac but when I first took it and was titrating up probably too fast I got bad tiredness, especially of an evening I would sit down and just start snoring and my son would wake me and I would hear myself still half asleep still snoring!

    I now take 50mg a day and have done for a while and as far as I know have no bad se's whatsoever.

    I dont think anyone can tell you what will happen with you but you can just become as well informed and prepared as possible.

    Good luck


      What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

      The worst side effect for me has been insomnia, which has been particularly troublesome when I have taken a large dose shortly before bed. I have no idea how/why a sedating drug causes insomnia, and you would expect it to cause increased sleepiness if anything, but others have also complained of this. Taking the last dose well before bed, and spreading it out over the whole day rather than bunching it up into one or two doses, helps with this. There are so many variations in the way people respond to baclofen, judging by what people on here have posted, that I'd say each person just has to slowly increase their dose and see how it affects them.


        What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

        KittyKatLost;1300815 wrote: After much research, i think bacoflen may be right for me.
        I already take anti depressants. Could people help me out and tell me what sort of sides effects you experienced while on bacoflen?
        Hi KittyKatLost, I am glad you're trying out Baclofen and I wish you much success.

        I just want to add that it's important to be prepared for the side effects and expect them. If they are not life threatening, try your best to either titrate down a little, go up a little or stay at the same dose to see if they get better. Hopefully you won't get many.

        I think mine were worse than most because I went up too fast. One night I woke up to what sounded like an alarm siren going off in my head and it went on that way for 12 hours. Scary I reduced my dosage from 100mg down to 75mg and started back up with a slower titration schedule. I am now at 85mg and I feel great...listen to your body.

        Insomnia has been the biggest side effect for me. I have been on BAC for 19 days and there have been nights where I would be dog tired, fall asleep, only to wake up 15 minutes later unable to fall back to sleep the entire night. I once stayed up for 36 hours. This would happen even when I took Benadryl or melatonin to sleep. Then there are episodes like last night where I slept a full 8 hours.

        I have a lot of auditory hallucinations, especially at night, that mainly sound like an engine humming in my head. I also have tiredness, a little nausea, confusion, small twitches in my fingers, forgetfulness, trouble recalling words, a feeling of being drunk or high, dry skin (fish oil is great for that), dry mouth, being thirsty, blurry vision and 2 panic attacks. I had a spike in blood pressure, bloating, extreme irritation and some insomnia that I contribute to alcohol withdrawal and not from Baclofen.

        My side effects are much worse during the night and about an hour after I wake up. I also have to limit each dose to 12.5mg every 2 hours. My body does not react well to big doses of BAC taken at one time or doses that are too close together. Also I take most of my BAC by 8pm. I take the last 12.5mg about 11pm just before bedtime.

        All in all I have been sober for 13 days and I am over the moon. :welcome:

        EXPS Redirector
        "Those who drink to drown their sorrows should be taught that sorrows know how to swim."

        "Many things can be preserved in alcohol. Dignity is not one of them."


          What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

          I cried uncontrollably at 20 mg, then had a panic attack in a lecture theatre. Ended up binning the rest of them.
          The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.


            What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

            You won't want to know my worse else you might get scared off. That being said titrate slowly. I do about 10mg every 5 days. I am at 220 now. 230 starting tomorrow.
            Normal constant issues for me- insomnia, somnolence, tinnitus (buzzing, humming, chimes in ears). Slightly off balance and dizzy at times.
            Good things- less anxiety. I start my drinking much later and drink less than half of what I was. I am hoping I will be done with the whole beast soon.
            I can tell you lots of details if you want to PM me and I'll let you know what I went through to get here.


              What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

              Bloating and water retention
              Lank hair greasy skin
              Extreme somnolence
              Spaced out
              Depressive very wierd thoughts, started to obsess about dying
              Electric shocks through the fingers

              Not a medication that was for me. These side effects abated once I reduced baclofen to just 1 x 25mg dose, and then quit it completely. I have no other underlying medical conditions.
              I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

              Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

              AF date 22/07/13


                What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

                I hate those electric shocks and for less drinking I've gained like 5 lbs.


                  What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

                  The side effects are definitely different for everyone, some people seem to tolerate it better than others. They can change as you titrate up as well, but once you get into the higher doses and stabilize there for a while they generally start to minimize. Personally, I take 300mg a day and have virtually no side effects. I take a .25 mg xanax and melatonin at night to make sure I get a full 8 hours. I have some bouts of sleepiness. Little things here and there, but I drink completely normally now on the occasions that I choose to drink and I'm totally free of that midbrain chemical urge to drink. Like everybody's saying you just have to titrate slow, listen to your body and keep calm though.


                    What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

                    ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION!!!! lol. Sorry for all caps... but that's basically it. I had very very few sides other than that one. It was a pleasant journey otherwise.

                    Come to think of it, I had a bit of insomnia around the 150mg mark. I'd only sleep like 4 hours per night, yet felt totally fine with that much.


                      What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

                      All of the above with the worst being somnolence and insomnia. Oh, and those dang' electris shocks in the hands are not a lot of fun.
                      Diggin' being alive


                        What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

                        Wow sounds like the sides are worser than the hangovers ... no way!

                        I am willing to give it a chance, then just go for the antabuse. these cravings are just way too much


                          What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

                          Tiredness and boredom. Taking low doses


                            What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

                            My worst side effects were nausea and dizziness whenever I'd have to go up in dosage. It was definitely worth it.


                              What were your worst side effects while being on Baclofen

                              I had great fun titrating up. Lots of weird sensations, cool trippy sounds, gentle buzz, almost lost the need to sleep, the list goes on.

                              It's not all doom and gloom, although the thread title doesn't leave much room for optimism.

