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Topamax Question

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    Topamax Question

    I read an old post a few minutes ago from someone who said that she was going to try Topa but her Physician insisted that she have an ECG first. Is this common procedure? Is it known to affect the heart?
    If at first you dont succeed......

    Topamax Question

    I take topamax for migraines (100 mg) and have been associated with a large neurological practice in Atlanta for almost 8 years at least with the drug-- I have never been asked to take an EKG though I recently had one for another reason and it was normal. When I was first prescribed the drug I did blood work for kidney function , as it was thought I believe that topa could cause kidney stones-- now I don't even have that done. The practice prescribing the drug to me here is very large and thorough-- I would be surprised if they were missing something-- but then maybe your doc is very cautious or is there a pre existing heart issue maybe? Good luck


      Topamax Question

      No, it can be tough on the kidneys if you don't drink enough water but I have never had an ECG for this reason.


        Topamax Question

        I concur. I would only add that if you've ever had glaucoma, I'd suggest you check with your eye Dr. b4 taking. Make sure if u decide to take, drink plenty of water as there is a risk of Kidney Stones. Tho, I've never had any problems. A few minor side effects. The benefits far out way these. The biggest is a huge reduction to physical alcohol cravings & anxiety. Good Luck & Feel Free To Join Us Here

