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U.S and bac

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    U.S and bac

    Hello all i am a long time lurker and i have finally come out to seek some advice. Still a bit nervous about this but i feel its a necessity to finally seek some help / information. I have read a lot of information and a lot of forums about the up and downs of bac and other substances and have finally decided its nearly detox or die time i cant keep going on like this and due to this i was wondering where i could get Baclofen safe and securely i have alot of anxiety about even posting here and probably even more about ordering it online. for the past week ive been trying to dig up as much information about "alldaychemist" and im thinking of ordering from there but im not sure of its legitimacy even though reading multiple threads and posts about it.

    So if anybody can give me advice about where to order from or ordering from there ((probably the only website i feel semi secure with currently)) it would be much appreciated I want to take a really low dosage and for as short of a time as i can because i would prefer not to trade one substance for another and have to go through bac withdraws they sound terrible and im sorry for anybody who has to suffer that pain. so any extra advice is much appreciated thank you in advanced.

    U.S and bac

    Hi Kite, reading through your post has got me a bit confused as to what you are wanting to do
    "I want to take a really low dosage and for as short of a time as i can" "detox or die time"
    If what you are wanting to do is detox then the best palce to go would be your doc for that, I have had a few detoxes using Librium as an in patient and at home but they where through the hospital alcohol unit. Boyond that if what your meaning is to use bac to help you stop your drinking you might have to rethink your dose/time scale, I take 50mg bac which is a low dose, is that the kind of dose you are thinking of? if you want compleat supression of wanting alcohol I think you would have to go higher, but then bac works for some peoplen not everyone and seems to work at different dosages as well so I dont think theres anyway of saying until you try it. I dont think theres anything to worry about regarding bac withdrawals, so long as you taper off it. The problems arise when people just suddenly stop taking it which you shouldnt do. I have never considered taking bac to be trading one substance for another, I have always thought of it as treating a medical problem, but even if it was trading then bac is far safer, happier and preferable alternative for me than drinking myself to death.

    Im not in US so cant advise on pharmacies but Ive never heard of a problem with allda

    Whatever you decide I wish you the best of luck, keep looking round and make a plan, then try to stick to it.


      U.S and bac

      Morning, Kite.
      I'm sorry you're in such a difficult place. 'Detox or die' is a terrible position.

      I'm not sure that you'll find the answers you're looking for with baclofen. I think you are thinking that it acts like a benzo--xanax or valium or something related. It doesn't tend to be a short term, detox solution. It isn't something you can take at a low dose for a short period of time to find immediate cessation of craving. (That has happened for a couple of people I know, but in general it's not something to be counted on.)

      As to your question, though, I don't know really know anything specific about Allday, either. I do know that many people have ordered from them, and that it's safe to order from an online pharmacy.

      When I first started out here I was absolutely convinced that this place existed for the purpose of infiltrating my computer, stealing my personal information, and/or full of people who were conning people like me--desperately looking for a way out. I added so many different anti-virus programs, and changed my computer settings in all these weird ways, that I crashed my computer! :H (It's funny now. It wasn't back then!!!)

      Turns out it isn't like that! I'm just a woman who lives in Virginia without a particular agenda other than to pass on what was given to me...Support. Information. Hopefully a laugh or two and some hope.

      As to the "substituting one thing for another"...hmmmm. I sort of understand where you're coming from. I only have to remember what it was like back then when I was sort of sure that if I could only use more willpower, had more strength, that I would stop drinking. But I had tried everything I could think of, Kite, and never found a way out for very long.

      Baclofen is medication. It doesn't make you high/happy. It doesn't substitute for booze. It's medication to treat the disease. Not something else for you to be a slave to. HUGE difference. If you don't want to suffer withdrawals, don't stop taking it suddenly and it is really much more effective if you take the same amount every day, starting with a low dose and going up from there. This is not unlike many, many other medications used to treat many illnesses.

      Hang in there. There's hope here. Don't stop trying to find a way out. You will.


        U.S and bac

        Detoxing is a risky thing especially if you are a long time heavy drinker. I had a seizure dropping down and I was still at 4 drinks per day. Not positive it was from that but either way nothing like getting carted out your front door with EMTs lined up and neighbors watching. If you are truly going to stop drinking you really must see a doctor. At least you need to look at getting on something like librium. This all comes down to how you are going to do it, where you are at now, and do you have health insurance? The only thing about health insurance is that it will be recorded somewhere you are an alchy. This can make it tough on getting life insurance down the road. I see my regular doctor very little now. I am trying to stay off the radar in case I leave my corp job and need to get my own life insurance.
        I think Bac might help you over the long haul especially if you think you it may be anxiety related. Lots of places to get it at. PM me and I can tell you my experience.
        Again, detoxing depending on how much you drink can be dangerous. You may think you are strong but you just never know. You could go into treatment, too. That's the safest way but I could not do it as I know my job would have zapped me sooner or later legal or not.


          U.S and bac

          I hope that you have found answers some of your questions kite, the points that COS made about detox probably being the most important for you right now depending on how much you drink. It would be nice if you could come back and tell us what you decide.

