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Antabuse question

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    Antabuse question

    Thanks Space, I keep forgetting about her taking the Campral to reduce cravings. OK, if you're scared of the Glutamine even though they say its safe and you want to stick to your doctors script, please just taper down til Monday or preferably for at least a week til you down to 375mls the night before you take your first Antabuse.

    I have heard you had to be at least 4 days alcohol free to take Campral but then again I have never taken Campral so I'm not the best person to advise here.


      Antabuse question

      When I got campral off my doc I went on the day I stopped drinking and he gave it to me to start then.


        Antabuse question

        Thanks everybody. Ok, I'll try to taper down, but that's never worked too well before. Once I get a couple of drinks in me, any good intentions seem to disappear.

        I've been drinking for probably 30 years (I'm 57) but it didn't get out of control until the last 5, when both of my sons had moved out.

        No, I've never really tried to quit before.

        I'm planning to start the Campral on day 2 or 3. I hope the meds get called into the pharmacy today.

        You guys really help - you're kind of becoming my family :-)


          Antabuse question

          Hippie girl, Good Luck with AB. I have been taking it now for 4 weeks a nd it has helped me enormously. I cannot offer a lot of advice as I am still learning about this drug.One thing I will say is don't drink.....i did,2 glasses of wine and it made me very very ill!! But having experienced that side effect it has made me more determined to continue with the drug as drinking is not an option.Nothing else worked for. I also think that AB helps with the cravings as there is no decision going on in your head ie will i drink, OR wont i,how much and where.S0,good luck and keep in touch would love to hear how you are doing.As everyone keeps sayng, it does get easier!!!! )


            Antabuse question

            Thanks boozer. No, I don't plan to drink on antabuse. I feel bad enough already! My dr STILL hasn't called my meds into the pharmacy and I was hoping to get started on Monday. I know my scripts will be complicated, but i've been waiting since wednesday!


              Antabuse question

              Looks like you have got great advise here. I have taken the AB after 12 hours. But, that is sort of pushing it in my opinion. If you have had a lot to drink the night before, I would wait as long as you could before taking it. 14, 16 hours.
              Are you going to talk to your Doctor on Monday? I hope that you can get those prescriptions figured out.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Antabuse question

                I think if she can stick to 375ml of whisky the night before 12 hours is OK. Hippiegirl, when do you usually start drinking though? If you are only a night time drinker than lunch time is perfect if you stop drinking at say 9pm.

                I also didnt ask how you drink your poison but from now on, whether you manage to taper or not, try to drink it with as much mixer as possible to dilute it, OK? ESPECIALLY the night before the antabuse. You want your blood alcohol level to be low and downing say 2 litres of soda water mixed with 375mls of wisky is much more difficult than chucking it on the rocks.


                  Antabuse question

                  Hi Hippie, just want ing say hello and see that you are ok. I guess you wont have your meds by now, will you get in touch with the doc tomorrow and see what the hell he is doing. I dont see anything complicated about your script, it is for valium detox, campral and antabuse, whats complicated about that.

                  Dont worry everything will get sorted out and good luck



                    Antabuse question

                    Hi space - it's so hard to get in touch with doctors these days - at least in this town. About the only hope I have tomorrow is to get through the receptionist and get the nurse to call me.

                    My dr did not come up with the schedule - I did, after a ton of research. He just studied it and said it looked like a good plan.

                    So now - give me the meds!! I'll be calling tomorrow, definitely.


                      Antabuse question

                      and raising Holy Hell I hope!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Antabuse question

                        If your doctor doesn't give you your meds this morning, ask yourself what Ghandi would've done & hold a peaceful protest by sitting in his waiting room until he gives you your meds.

