Yo. And good morning!
I really regret what I wrote about the sleep thing. Because worrying about sleep, and being anxious about sleep, is not really going to help anything. Plus I was being a bit of a biatch, I think. Sorry. It is perfectly reasonable to tell me to bugger off in the nicest way possible. Well, it's been done before, anyway. And I'm still here.
It's just a journey, La. It's not all or nothing, now or never. It's certainly not "You're fucking this up and you'll live to regret it." That is NOT how it is, this recovery/reorganization thing. It's a continuum. I forget that ALL THE FUCKING TIME. And it drives me nuts about myself.
I went to an AA meeting last night, and I'll leave my dissection of the minutiae of that experience out of this for now, except to say this: They've got something going on. Clear away all the clutter, and the jargon and the ancient (really! 70 years ago is ancient in terms of medicine) perspective, and there're some truths there. Plus, a couple people seemed actually happy.
Progress not perfection. Or whatever. Be gentle with myself. And others. That's what I'm walking with today. Sorry I forgot that.