Good luck with your labs today. I just had a panel drawn on myself a few weeks ago. I'm always worried they'll find something wrong. So you'll be talking to the doctor today? I'm not sure what she put you on, but you did mention that it was a lot of beta blocker. Maybe she'll adjust that some after you talk with her. It sounds like you could use a little bit of beta blocker to start, maybe. They're also used to help manage some peoples' anxiety. It's good you have a b/p machine at home. I was going to suggest that! Does this one take your heart rate too? That's the other thing a beta blocker will lower.
It kind of surprises me that she did start you on a high dose. But since I don't know what it is, and I'm not going to ask (since I wouldn't want to give you medical advice on here) maybe it's not quite as much as you think?
Kudos to you for trying to get all these things sorted out for your health! Let us know what she says and what happens. :l