Or maybe there's a lot going on, depending on POV. Like getting off the phone with Chicago exGF, who's conversational skills have yet to improve. But, if I could pick out 1 important thing in that stream of whatever-the-F-she-was-talking-about, it would be the part where she mentioned the dude who left her for the job in Indianapolis showing up unexpectedly. Oh, OK.
So since we're on that topic, why wouldn't Stuck ask her about a very cryptic Facebook post from a couple days ago? The one where she posted something like "the 3 year wait was soooooooo worth it, even though we're crazy for doing so!" Or whatever to the effect that I thought this crazy broad might have gone off and gotten herself engaged.
Just not with this a-hole, was what I was thinking, I think. So I asked, and she's like you really wanna know? And I'm like if it's the obvious, then yeah I wanna know.
But of course it's not the obvious at all. They had sex at her work, and her only regret now is that they didn't ever do that 3 years ago when they worked together at this different place. So now I'm all pissed. And the emotional stuff is what it is, you know? But I think one of the worst parts of losing a person, at least a person with whom the relationship was built around sex, is that you know they didn't simply suddenly stop being kinky. It's just now all those little things that were so meaningful between "just the two of you" are now seriously not meaningful at all.
And like how I shifted into the 2nd person there? Yeah, why is Stuck projecting all his feelings onto you? And now he's talking in the 3rd person? WTF. He clearly cannot cope with this kind of crap. And just to throw it all out there, he's also on his 2nd beer.
Because I obviously like to blame drinking on other things... you'd have to go deep at this point to see me blaming my mom for drinking that one day, but it's there. Anyway, I'll save the bac details for tomorrow, for now I'm just ready for bed.
G'night, interwebs. G'night, people in them.
Er, wait, that just made it sound like all of you are StuckinTheInterwebs. I didn't mean that at all, that would be nightmarish. No, you guys are chillin' like villains at your computer, safely in your own homes. Or on your significant other's computer in his/her home, or if you're really crazy your not-so-significant other's. But I would like to warn you about leaving an internet record on their computer, if that's the case... because then that person's real significant other might find it and that could get ugly and I'd hate for you to blame me for that. Because it's totally not my fault.
So let's just go with G'night, people. That seems safe enough... Lots of hugs n' such, and I hope you're waking up to wonderful days.