Hi guys
The experiment was a bad idea, which I knew from the outset. I had already said no more drinking alone. I drank the entire bottle of wine. When I knew hubby was coming home I topped up the glass, put the bottle in the recycling bin and hid the glass. As if he doesn't know when I've been drinking and it's not like I'm not allowed!! Also the scary thing is if he hadn't come home I might have gone out and got more, driving drunk. I cannot do that anymore. I already have 3 DICs (DUIs). Was on here til late and hubby told me to come to bed. He said I crashed out and he almost thought I was dead! Had to get up early for son's soccer game which wasn't good. But I coped.
My goal is to moderate, but if I get to a point of indifference maybe I'll be happy to abstain. The tiredness and fogginess is getting to me and I have been worried about getting to the point of not being able to drive b/c of the bac. I have a wonderful husband, 2 great kids and 2 businesses to be Assistant Manager in. So while of course I'm very lucky to still have all these things, I can't just take time out to titrate up on bac and sleep half the day! I'm hoping not to go up much further and be able to moderate. if I can set some moderation goals and stick to them then I'm still very optimistic this will work for me.
WCL - Your ex-boyfriend having sex with a lesbian! I bet he got some mileage from that one!
Ne- see PM.
Good luck with it all both of you.
