i'm quite curious about what your dissertation is about Stuck...
good for you: you finished it!
that gallery talk was actually fine, that was the strange thing about it. of course i felt really tense about it, but i thought well who wouldn't be tense about something like this. it actually got to a lively conversation between us and the audience (that's what i wanted it to be. not a formal thing, with me doing a speech or whatever boring). like i wrote somewhere in my thread: that week in the states, i felt i got in sync with myself. i even did some lessons as a guest teacher at the art faculty over there, giving classes about the paths i've taken as an artist,because they asked me to. i actually felt my life until now made some sense looking back on how it all went.
also: being in another country with this, where i have no history and could just be myself afresh, was freeing to me.
after that, when i got back in Holland, things turned to shit. maybe the universe is trying to tell me something here :>