Morning, La!
Hoped to hear from you last night. EDIT: I should've reached out. Sorry.
Here's the thing: Or maybe not the thing, maybe just a thing: The self-flagellation? The carousel of little voices in the head that makes one feel absolutely terrible and as though the sky is falling? That's the disease. It's a chemical imbalance in your brain dictating your thoughts. You don't have to believe that right now. What I hope you do believe is this: (and this is THE thing! ): You don't have to change who you are. You are a warm, funny, likable human being. I know this to be true. The isolation and guilt? That's all bull shit. We're all right here. So hang in there. Gut out today with all your fierce and mighty strength.
That's all I've got.
Oh. One more thing. My textbook defines addiction as a primary, chronic, neurobiological disease. I know that might not matter to anyone else, but it thrills me! xo again