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Generic Topamax not working!?

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    Generic Topamax not working!?

    Hi everyone,
    I cut back from a liter of vodka to a glass of wine a day last summer using aspects of the program; namely, Kudzu rescue, multivitamins, a protein supplement, and Topamax (brand name), 50 mg twice a day. I didn't use the hypno CDs, though I purchased them, and though I was sick for the first week with pneumonia (which "helped" me get through the withdrawl, as I was so sick I wasn't even aware of them, I guess), it was like a lot of people say: like flipping the "off" switch that I despaired of ever being able to do. It was just not an issue anymore.
    Fast forward a few months: I met a new man, and we started dating--and drinking, as he was very nervous at first, and I'd encourage him to go ahead and drink to relax. He didn't seem comfortable drinking his cocktails with me drinking wine, so I went off my normal new habit and started drinking vodka again. Well, here I am again, drinking .5- liter of vodka a day, and though I have tried to start the program again, it's not working this time. I'm wondering if it's because the online pharmacy sent me generic Topamax this time around?
    It's been over a month, and I just am not feeling as I did last time, not at all. I just end up sleepy from the pills, tingly and messing up my words, etc. Anyone else have a similar experience using generic after brand name Topamax? Or the whole plan not working the second time around?
    "Everything goes upwards and outwards.
    Nothing collapses."

    -Walt Whitman

    Generic Topamax not working!?

    I wish that I could remember clearly. But, I was taking Topamax and it was helping. I also received a generic brand and something changed for me. This was back 2010 so I can't remember exactly. I would talk to your Doctor or Pharmacist. I can remember calling the pharmacist and talking to them about it.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Generic Topamax not working!?


      I am taking a generic brand of Topamax but there are so many different kinds and to be honest I don't think anyone will be able to tell you an answer as no two people have the same experience with these drugs.

      The best advice is probably to go back to brand name, as you know that worked for you.

      If you want to read up on people's experiences on Topamax the first and second time around, you will find it here:



        Generic Topamax not working!?

        Not sure if ur still out there in cyber space? Took brand name Topamax part of 2007-part of 08, b4 the patent expired. Went back to PDr. in early Mar. Before I went to see the PDr., I researched migraine & epilepsy forums for the yr 2009. Read how people were responding to Topiramate the new generic formula. There was a mixed review, but predominately negative from what I read. Can't remember which forums, but I just googled. Think they were saying 3 manufactures over seas & they found one to be more effective. That one seemed to really work much better. Think the name of the manufacturer started with a W. Perhaps, u could discuss ur concerns over the phone with a pharmacist, keeping ur identity private if u want it to be.

        I went prepared with this info ahead of time to PDr. & this was the 1st time, I've ever seen a rise out of him. He basically said that generic drugs can be 80-120 % of the original brand formula. Thus why they may not work as well as brand names.

        Myself, family, friends, peers do take generic rxs, otcs & have had no problems with nearly all, for many ~ many yrs. However, I chose & asked the PDr. to write my Rx with no substitutes as I wanted brand name only with Topamax. I knew ahead of x that this drug is very expensive. I thankfully have Ins. Still co-pays r high, so I set mine up on mail order making it more affordable. Ortho-McNeil partners with Johnson & Johnson & they have programs available to help people who need financial assistance. Tho, not sure that they would offer funds for off label use, unless there was a study.

        Topamax is a miracle drug for treating the physiological part of alcoholism ~ addiction for myself. It worked yrs ago & it's working again today for myself & some others. I spent tons of $ on booze over the yrs, so the $ I spend on this Rx is a drop in the bucket when it comes 2 saving my life. I'm a true alcoholic & it took many yrs of denial to admit this! It's a progressive disease!....

        The PDr. said it should work a 2nd x around & indeed it has, but it also has been a # of yrs in between since I used Topamax. I suppose it differs 4 everyone. I've read conflicting stories about this as well.

        I wish u the very best!...




          Generic Topamax not working!?

          Ghostwriter - Topa does not work the same second time round - I am not sure if it is 'cos it is generic or if it is 'cos it is 2nd time round. I have been on it a few times now. I have only been on the generic. It has been different for me each time. If you are getting the tingling and messing up words - hate to say it but they are SE's from Topa. So, it IS working in your system. Generic or not. It can work differently each time. I know it did for me. How did it work for you the first time? I did quit AL with Topa eventually for 8 months. However - long boring story - started AL again and here I am again. About to embark on the same thing again. Still using Topa but had to go down to the 25 mg again and start all over again. Did you start at 25mg again and go up as the titration schedule? You cannot jump ahead - trust me, I tried and it does not work! Go back to the 25 mg and go up week by week ....... PM me if you want to ......

          Sun X
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


            Generic Topamax not working!?

            Ghostwriter;1307645 wrote: I just end up sleepy from the pills, tingly and messing up my words, etc.
            It was years ago, but that certainly sounds like Topamax to me. I ordered from River and received the generic. I also did the whole program (supplements, tapes). It reduced my drinking considerably. I could not tolerate the side effects of topa. I didn't give it a second shot, so I can't speak to that.

            I hope you get it sorted out, with topa or with something else. Don't give up. Your solution, your way out, is out there somewhere. Hang tough.

            You are here:


              Generic Topamax not working!?

              People can only share there experiences & opinions of what works. Which is going to be different as we are all different. Then may I suggest take some time to process it & make your own decisions. I sometimes change my mind & repeat... I do know the longer I stay sober things become clearer. We are all so lucky that we have many choices today in finding a way out. Whether it be abstaining or modding, they are personal ones. This site is very diverse! People are in many different phases!

              So I can only share with u my journey. Try to answer ur ??? the best I can. Sometimes it's not easy understanding what people want or what exactly they r saying thru typed messages. Communicating without using our other 5-6 senses. Sometimes they get perceived in a variety of ways & end up getting misunderstood thru electronic communications.

              My PDr. who has a private practice, has been a PDr. for almost 40 yrs, doubly board certified ( one in addiction ) is also on staff at a leading hospital in the states. It's among the nations top institutions for NIH-funded Neuroscience research projects. He's well qualified. I share this as to let the readers know that I feel he's credible, trustworthy & that I have faith in him as a PDr & researcher. Not for any other purposes!

              In 07-08 he Rxd 50mg Topamax b4 bedtime for 2wks, then 50 mg am. It was to high of a dose. I found 75mg was the right dose for myself, 50mg pm & 25 mg am. I do feel fortunate that at a fairly low dose I reached efficacy as some people have to take higher doses. This was ~ is my maintenance dose. I stayed sober for almost 8 months. I was also involved in other things to help my sobriety. As I believe, (this is my opinion), there are other components to addiction, besides the physical part. I also believe not everyone has the physiological part of the disease. But, I started drinking at a young age & continued for many yrs. Tho that may have nothing to do with it. Yet, I doubt it helped my case.

              I went off the Topa & it wasn't long before I relapsed. I was only able to maintain sobriety for a maximum of around 103 days or so. I tried many things to either modd or regain my once happy sobriety. The modding, like b4 ended up the same, drunk. Or, I'd switch & just drink beer or wine, than I wouldn't get too intoxicated & I could function at better levels. My anxiety, anxiousness, which also led to depression were just too much!... I did this off & on until present. Thru most my drinking history. Tho being the alkie I am, I gave up somewhere along the way & just about drank myself to death. This was repeated many times thru out my drinking history! So, I'm one of those who needs medication! I will add that during my longest sobriety time, it was the best time in my life!....

              Here I am today taking Topamax the Brand. After what I researched & read, I wasn't willing to take any chances. I couldn't find info on people using it for either modding or abstaining in regards to brand name verses generic. Only people that used it for it's labeled RX purposes on line. The generic may work for some people & it may not. It may work for a 2nd, 3rd, 4th & so on & it may not. It's different 4 everyone! All I can say is this is my 2nd go & it's worked just like it did b4. Just like the PDr. say it should.

              Now this 2nd time, I did start at a lower dose & the PDr. left this up to my discretion. I chose to start at 25 mg, cause I'm now older & more sensitive to meds. I've chosen to abstain. Tho in the studies, many used it for modding as well. When I drank on Topa both times in the beginning of taking it, (first 2-3 wks), I felt less pleasure, but still felt intoxicated. Did drink less. The way PDr. explained another benefit of Topa is, it blocks dopamine. I found that Topa is a combo med compared to approved & off label meds for alcohol cessation. For myself it basically does what all the others do in one med.

              I've had very little SE both times. The ones I did have similar to yours have mostly subsided. For myself the benefits out weigh them. I did have ?? Did u begin both times at 100 mg? Taking 50 mg, twice a day? If so that does seem a bit high to start out with. But, it's u who should decide whats best for u. I'm just thinking that this maybe why u experienced SE, but still doesn't explain why 1st try worked & 2nd try didn't. Unless it's the generic verses brand, or not a large time frame in between trying them. Just trying to help u figure out possibilities.

              Whether u decide to modd or abstain I wish u the very best!.... There is a way out for all of us!

              Take care!...


              AF 3/18/12


                Generic Topamax not working!?

                :spam: !

