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Help With Topa Side Affects

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    Help With Topa Side Affects

    Oh My..... if you read the book you know what I'm talking about?

    I have been mixing up words like crazy. My co-worker really got a laugh out of me today (and she knows nothing of me and topa and alcohol).

    On the no big deal side I've been answering the phone "Good Afternoon" instead of "Good Morning".

    On the Oh My Gosh side I've been mixing up her boyfriend's name with my husband's name, or her name with my neighbor's name, or saying stuff like my husband's bachelor instead of my husband's uncle who is a bachelor! This is only the beginning... it's really becoming an issue.

    I am thinking of going off the topa just because of this, but I'm worried because I know it's really helping me. Will this go away?

    Should I tell my co-worker? We've become awsome friends since I started here just last August... we are SO alike, more than anyone else I know, and I know all her issues, with cigarettes and men, etc, but I'm the "manager" (even though she's older than me) and I just don't think it would look good. But mostly, I think I'm just scared to tell her in case it doesn't work out and I fail.

    I wish this wasn't a side effect!
    I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!

    Help With Topa Side Affects


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      Help With Topa Side Affects

      I would always say never tell anyone in work, the idea that they will understand and think you are doing good may well not be the case, you are her manager and there could come a time that this would go against you.

      What you do about the topa is another thing (I dont use it) but if its just daft embarassing things like mixing up words in conversation then I wouldnt worry, I dont know what your drinking was like but wasnt that ever embarasing? You say its working for you apart from this so why let something so small stand in your way of getting over the drink.

      Good luck

