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progress if anyone cares to read
progress if anyone cares to read
hello all. I posted a while back, when I first decided to take the baclofen journey. at first, I did have some success, but when I increased the dosage, the side effects for me were absolutely brutal. most notably the insomnia. it was just something I couldn't take. I have had off and on success with naltrexone, but if you've ever taken it, you know that it can be kinda tricky. you can talk yourself out of taking it. and even if you do take it, you can still drink on it, but usually not as much. so anyways, recently, I went back to my doctor, and got another prescription for naltrexone. this time I was pretty determined to take it on a consistent basis. I asked him about topamax, but he said he hadn't really heard about it for alcohol cravings. he did, however, offer me antabuse. I decided to stick with the naltrexone for now, and I ordered some topamax online. it's day 3 on the combo, and I am pretty impressed thus far. I think my dosage of the topamax is 100mg. I find myself drinking slower, and much less. I also am not getting any of the brutal side effects that I got with the baclofen. different strokes for different folks. I have reduced my drinking by about 40% in a week or so, and I truly hope it continues. don't know too much about the topamax though. is there this "switch" I hear about with baclofen? so far, I still buy beer, I just tend to drink much slower, and keep preoccupied with other things. not too sure of the difference between the two. my ultimate goal is to not drink at all, so if all is not good by my next appointment, I might take the doctor up on the antabuse offer. hope everyone is well. I know I am at least 4o% better.Tags: None
progress if anyone cares to read
Great to hear you are seeing some progress. For all of us it is a day by day proposition. Just remember to focus on the little things you can control. Good luck and keep us posted of how you are going. This place can just give you the kick up the backside when it is needed.I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.
progress if anyone cares to read
Hi gator and welcome back, there is a thread "starting topa with a question" or something like that which is very active with topa takers, you would probably get some ideas of topa and support if you post on there. I can understand that bac didnt work for you at high doses, it can be tough, I still take it though at low dose and it does help with the cravings. Ive never taken nal and dont understand why you would "not take it" sometimes, is that because it ruins drinking for you? I think thats the general idea:H
Anyway check out that other thread and you will get lots of ideas re topa dosage and what you might expect. It always near the top of the threads so you dont have to go trawling round to find it either
Good luck x
progress if anyone cares to read
spacebebe01;1309487 wrote: Hi gator and welcome back, there is a thread "starting topa with a question" or something like that which is very active with topa takers, you would probably get some ideas of topa and support if you post on there. I can understand that bac didnt work for you at high doses, it can be tough, I still take it though at low dose and it does help with the cravings. Ive never taken nal and dont understand why you would "not take it" sometimes, is that because it ruins drinking for you? I think thats the general idea:H
Anyway check out that other thread and you will get lots of ideas re topa dosage and what you might expect. It always near the top of the threads so you dont have to go trawling round to find it either
Good luck xheading over to the other thread!
progress if anyone cares to read
Hey Gator! Welcome back! Do keep us posted on how you are doing with the Topa! I understand about the Nal...I am trying to take it with HDB, but it makes me feel more icky than just the bac, so I tend not to take it...Yes, Space, I know that it is the idea! but I feel bad enough at 200 mg of bac!
And yes "more icky" is a medical term!Best of luck, Gator!!
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson
progress if anyone cares to read
I dont know anything much about it only bits I read here, its only recently that I first heard it can make you feel sick! before that I assumed there were no se's because Id never heard of them. I wasnt trying to be a smart arse. honest. I used to take antabuse but wont take it now because I cant drink on it so Im the last person to talk :H