One things for sure, being in pain cant help at all with drinking. Play did you always take 300mg of a night, that seems quite a low dose but if it worked thats great you got pain relieve at that dose. I am following your story with lots of interest on the other thread

Greg I too have noticed there are quite a few stoners, fun drug people on other forums (and the guy on you tube) who are saying about tolerance, maybe that is where the tolerance thing has come from. That they cant slam 1800mg everyday and get high off it.
I have noticed in the past that when I have been AF for a couple of months I go into a depression. Maybe that is just me, I do suffer from depression, or maybe it is something to do with the PAWS thing. or maybe it is something to do with reality hitting home. Tghe only thing I know for sure is that it happens to me and others so maybe what causes it doesnt matter as much as what we can do about it. It has happened to me so many times for years on end, I bob along ok with being AF for a few months then bam, Im back on the vodka. I have also done lots of things to change my lifestlye in those times, join the gym, get a job, make friends, go on holiday, take antabuse, start yoga, therapies you name it but none of them have any effect on the sudden overwhelming depression and the sub-siquent all consuming need to drink, when my head will be messed up about why I even stopped.
This time I am now prescribed gabapentin so I will be able to see what that does. It is too soon to tell, but waking up this morning without pain seems to be a great start.