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I Reached The Switch!!

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    I Reached The Switch!!

    I started BAC on 3 April 2012. I drank wine the first 5 days, went another 14 days AF, drank wine 3 more days, although I couldn't finish more than two glasses and have been AF ever since. I realized I drank out of habit...Friday night and nothing to do, or a glass of wine before bed etc.

    At 100mg I had to slightly fight the urge to drink...and I sometimes lost. At 125mg just the thought of drinking wine made me nauseous, at 150mg, where I'm at now, drinking is a distant memory.

    I have had wine in my refrigerator for about 10 days with no desire to drink it. I see it, but I don't want it. The real test came on Monday which was my birthday. I received wine from friends and champagne (they don't know I'm on BAC) and I did not drink at all that day. Absolutely unheard of before BAC, any excuse to drink was my motto.

    Now the side effects are really difficult at 150mg and I really hit the switch dose at 125mg. Should I stay at 150? 125? Or titrate down slowly? I am really scared that I will want to drink again, but I feel like I'm in a drunk stupor most of the time, (oh the irony) especially at night.

    Also I was able to get a script of 75mg a day from my Doc in Germany and I also have the Lioresal I ordered online. The BAC I received from the German pharmacy gave me less side effects i.e. nausea, dizziness, tinnitus, than the online BAC.

    EXPS Redirector
    "Those who drink to drown their sorrows should be taught that sorrows know how to swim."

    "Many things can be preserved in alcohol. Dignity is not one of them."

    I Reached The Switch!!

    Well done Robin thats fantastic


      I Reached The Switch!!

      Hi Robin!

      Congratulations! Fantastic stuff!!

      I didn't stay at my switch dose for a minute longer than I needed to and I've never regretted it. Go down! I do agree with Reggie that if you start to hear the siren song of the bottle you will just need to go up a bit.

      I also didn't suffer the side effects going up the second (and third) time that I did the first. And when I went up, I haven't really done it because of the booze. Bac brings balance in my life...You'll find the right place if you move around a bit! (A bit being rather important. :H)

      And Happy Birthday! What a super-sweet birthday present!


        I Reached The Switch!!

        Hey Robin, Do you want to post something on this thread?

        It helps. Even those of us who have been here for a while!



          I Reached The Switch!!

          Congratulations, Robin. Yours is a heartwarming and inspirational story. I also recommend staying at 150 for a little while. Give it maybe a week? See if you settle in and then if not drop by 5 or 10 every week and see how it goes. And listen to NE and the others who've reached indifference.

          Isn't it wonderful that all the AL in the world is just another thing? Simply not an issue?


            I Reached The Switch!!

            desperados;1362897 wrote: How are you doin' live in one of the best countries to live as an alkie...and any other hurting human being...(been there done that... spent the whole 4 years of my life) must be tough to a Country where 750ml of Jagermaster is cheaper than plain lunch
            Is anyone else scratching their head and saying Huh???

            Anyways CONGRATS RobinJ. Well done. Feels great doesnt it
            :wings:Every day is another day to set things right!! Make today a new beginning, the first day of the rest of your life!:wings:

            Goals: to stay AF and to start to incorporate some sort of exercise into my daily routine!!!:wings:


              I Reached The Switch!!

              It is interesting what desperados said. I mean when I was drinking back in the day they had something called jagermeister.

              I had not idea that it had a big brother and probably strong version called jagerMASTER!

              Congrats Robin!

