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What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

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    What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

    Whatever he charges these days for baclofen, it is worth it, for ME. He is definitely not in it to get rich, imho. (He is not charging me that much for our prescription refills, which at this point are standard. I send him money every month, automatically, because I can. But for more than a year he prescribed regardless.)


      What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

      Hi Gringo you are sounding better, hip hip hooray, I have been worried about you, you do seem to have been in a bad way and sounding very down, maybe that day of zanax gave you some kind of rest that you needed.

      What do you get for $120 dollars? Im guessing its a telephone call and a script, and then you pay for the meds in the chemist? and Ne pays a different amount, that would piss me off and I would want to know why, surely a doctor would have a set rate. Although I dont know I have never paid privately for medical care, but it does seem odd. I know you get a valid script off him so you can get legit meds from the chemist but thats seems all he does from what I read on here. Is the $120 dollar for a months supply? Here in UK I think that any other doctor treating me askes for details of my gp and informs them of what is happening so it goes on my medical records, therefore if I end up in hospital or something goes wrong it is there to be seen, I cant undeerstand why a doctor wouldnt do that

      Do you get your zanax and seroquel from a regular doctor and why do you only take 1/4 dose of seroquel?

      Im intrigued by this.


        What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

        Did not mean to cast aspersions on the Dr. I believe he has saved a lot of lives. Guess I was having a bad moment. Of course he won't be perfect, and of course people will react differently. Although I have yet to avail myself of his services, I am extremely grateful that he is helping us.

        I hope and believe that in a few years there will be a lot of resources for us to turn to. The trick is staying alive until then. For now, we need to appreciate those that are stepping up to help.
        "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


          What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

          I appreciate Dr L but have some different thoughts about him. I don't even call him. He doesn't even call my pharmacy. They call him. Even then I still run into issues with my scrips. I am tired today as I thought I would do a half of seroquel but now I kind of feel like a zombie. That 1/4 dose seems to be just right for me. Everyone is different right? I think Dr L thinks I make great money or something. I don't know. I really don't in my opinion but it won't put me in the poor house.
          I think I may go another day AF but just not sure. I feel apathetic about either way so maybe I am at a sort of switch. If I stay this way I think I am happy. Just would like the SE's to finish and I will be so happy.

          Poink, I still think Dr. L is a good start if you have insurance. If you don't, not sure I would bother but that's just me. Perhaps generic baclofen with a legit scrip is still cheaper than overseas. Get the scrips I guess and you'll have a start. Figure out what works for you dose wise and go with it. Take your time I say. I don't think it's a race.
          Poink I think it would be interesting to know if you are comfortable with it about how long and how much you've been drinking. I think that might indicate how long it might take you and how big of a dose you might have to go to. Everyone is still different but I have some takeaways at this point as I know a lot of others on this board do.


            What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

            * I think windycity is giving some very good input.
            * From what I?ve read people do not (!) take phenibut like bac. They take it because they have developed an addiction to Phenibut. Bac does not cause addiction. Phenibut works on some more receptors than bac, which is a very pure gaba-b agonist. They use bac as a route to get off phenibut.
            * GingerDust is also very right to warn you of xanax. You might wish to keep the gaba-a responsiveness as an short-time emergency-exit for occasions when you taper down too quickly. But I think it?s better to find a schedule that works painless - even if it takes considerable time.

            My very personal experience is that I could go from 200 mg/d to 125mg/d within fourteen days at the cost of very severe itching and insomnia but without anxiety. (I was above 200mg for about two weeks, very zombie-like). Further reduction by 3.125mg every 3 to 4 days caused the known symtoms including mild cravings twice (prevented a lapse thanks to disulfiram in the morning). Standing these symptoms I further reduced down to 75mg with some breaks in between. Now I am at 56mg and AF for more than 6 month. My last step was 6.25mg which was too much - I was just too eager. However this last step and the accompanying side effects made me gain some insight: I assume the period for my neuroadaption is >10 days. From now on I will take it (very) slow and reduce 3.125mg within 10-14 days. When needed I will take a break. BTW: Psychological side effects when wheaning off can also be read from people on neuro-boards who take bac for MS and spasticity.

            I think it?s all about finding out about your personal time for neuroadaption and what dose you can reduce with no or minimal side effects.

            My personal goal is to whean it off slowly, there?s no price to win. On the contrary: There might be something to loose. A fast taper and/or detox might lead to protracted symtoms lasting for a long time. This is just a guess, there is no literature on this (?).


              What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

              Actually a lot of folks take Phenibut for a lot of reasons. A lot of bodybuilders take it, too. I am just weighing in on one segment that I gathered from the other forums so there are those out there.
              I did not titrate down a lot. I stopped at 230 and the xanax helped when I bumped it up.
              I am not taking it now.
              I am at my switch I believe and AF for 5 days now.


                What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

                Ne/Neva Eva;1315095 wrote: I'll let COS share his own experience, of course.
                I love the man and think he's a saint. But I stopped listening to his advice about baclofen more than a year ago when he told me that the SEs I was suffering from were not related to baclofen. I get legal, cheap prescriptions from him. For that, I owe him a HUGE debt. But the SE denial, coupled with what I think is a dangerous insistence that we stay at the switch dose (he's the only doctor in the world who says this, including the doc he references so much) make me wary of his protocol.

                Call him at night, at home, as he originally requested and is his preference. That makes a difference.
                ^ This. I stopped listening too after a few months of hearing the same stuff. He's a good guy and has helped a boatload of people, including me, but I just think he is DEAD wrong about staying at the magical "switch" dose indefinitely. I mean, my own case proves that wrong. I also got sick of the side effect denial. I haven't taken baclofen since December of last year and the thought of alcohol makes me laugh at how stupid I used to be... that's it. I don't want to drink it, I don't want to touch it, I just don't have any feelings toward it.



                  What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?



                    What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?


                    These refills, is that for a 90 day supply? Then how much to get it filled? Looks like I can go online for maybe 120-150.00 per month even at 250-350 mg per day. Not sure how much I will save. Do wonder tho if any of you found a big difference in SEs with the domestic versus the imported.

                    And an apology. Sometimes I see where someone (like Ne) has already answered a question for me but the last few days have been mostly in blackout mode and should probably stay the heck off the forums at such times. I try to go back and read everything again before I post but sometimes...

                    So here I can figure out what it will cost if I don't call Dr L but not what it will if I do. And if it isn't going to save me quite a bit it would not be worth the anxiety of calling.

                    All of that being said it has been 12 and 18 days since ordering online and no sign of either order. Will have to take that into consideration.

                    Anybody got an Easy Button?
                    "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


                      What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

                      Hey Poink. Hang in there. Sounds like you need to try to cut back somehow someway because that baclofen isn't going to kick in that quick.

                      With Dr L, I never know when I will get a bill. It's hit or miss. I am going to pay it but I am glad it is working now. I am AF for 5 days now and that's the longest in quite some time for me. I am not even really trying that hard so hopefully it's working now.

                      River usually takes about 3 weeks for delivery. I haven't had any issues but you could contact their customer service. You should be able to track it to some degree also. I think you will be ok.


                        What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

                        Poink;1316947 wrote:

                        And an apology. Sometimes I see where someone (like Ne) has already answered a question for me but the last few days have been mostly in blackout mode and should probably stay the heck off the forums at such times. I try to go back and read everything again before I post but sometimes...

                        Anybody got an Easy Button?
                        No apologies necessary. I changed my name three times before I finally settled on this doozy (don't ask) because I felt like I was the only drunk around here. :H Not so much, it turns out there are quite a few of us.

                        Call him at night, at home, only. He charges based on ability to pay and on whether or not you are a client. Meaning that you have called him in his office for an official thing. It's easy. You just gotta hit the buttons.


                          What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

                          Have actually been seeing a little progress, in little things, but weekends are deadly. I don't engage in risky behavior (outside of drinking) but have an almost complete loss of restraint on weekends.

                          Which points out that it's not all alcoholic compulsion but a lot of habit. My drinking always spirals out of control and into 24/7 drinking but right now am doing ok during the week. I just reach for a drink every time I wake up/come to on weekends.

                          The blackouts aren't all about quantity of alcohol. My shrink says that there has been enough brain damage or whatever that sometimes I enter blackout mode after 3-5 units, way before I show any outward signs of intoxication.

                          Of course I keep drinking. Probably around 20 units each on Sat and Sun. But used to drink that much every day. Am usually 8-12 during the week now.

                          Have been drinking to excess daily for almost 40 years, broken up occasionally by periods of abstinence usually thru AA or substitute drugs.

                          And this might not be believable but I wrote this rambling post completely sober. On an IPhone.
                          "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


                            What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

                            Yes I've had a friend that changed quickly after just a couple drinks. I've seen it in others. Usually people that have been drinking a very long time at least in my experience. If you are at 40 years that probably unfortunately puts you in that category.

                            It seems some folks get to a point where less actually starts messing with them right away but they still keep going. I am glad you are trying the baclofen. Just take it in strides so you don't fail.

                            Have you tried other meds like Naltrexone? That helps some people. Perhaps something to help on the weekends. Even antabuse but I could never go that route.

                            AA isn't for everyone but if it helps do whatever it takes. Find some things to keep you busy on weekends. Get a hobby and join a group or something. Anything that delays the binging.

                            Hang in there.


                              What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

                              Poink, habit is the hardest thing to overcome for me. Havn't blacked out in a while, but the last time was on relatively little AL, but after a period of more than unusual AL...

                              I agree with COS that the longer you can keep yourself occupied on the weekend drinking days the better. Even if its just a couple of hours at first. Keep pressing on the Bac and keep trying push back the booze time.

                              For me Dr L is my back pocket. His # is on my emergency card along with my current dose. I know I can call him at a moments notice if I'm in a pinch. But that's really it.

                              The Bac from River agrees with me well, and I am averaging 13 days delivery. I'm at 280 mg now and it costs me about $3.50 a day. About the cost of a pint of Blue Moon... Nothing disparaging about Dr L, this is just the way I chose to roll.
                              Good judgment comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgment.


                                What's the fastest you can go down on Bac?

                                Hi Grommet, is 280 your switch or are you still working up?

