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Starting Today- Wellbutrin and Klonopin

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    Starting Today- Wellbutrin and Klonopin

    Hello Everyone-

    Well I finally admitted to a Dr that I have a problem. It took a lot to do that. I drink every day a bottle of wine for the last 10 years or more. I want to have my life back. I do nothing at night. Just sit and drink. Sleep lousy and get up and work at a high power job. It is a vicious cycle and I need to get off.

    So here I go- not sure what to expect. The Dr was very kind and felt that the combo of the Wellbutrin and Klonopin would do the trick for me. I was up all night trying to research how I will feel and the side effects. So many mixed reviews- anyway I decided I would just go for it. I am now scared and excited at the same time. I have lots of work commitments over the next few weeks- including a trip to Europe. Just hope I can pull it all together.

    I will check in often- and let you know how the journey is going and look forward to the support from this group.


    Starting Today- Wellbutrin and Klonopin

    Hey Saje!
    That's an odd combo, wellbutrin and klonopin. And your doc prescribed it for drinking? Is he/she trying to address underlying anxiety and depression? Huh. As far as I know, neither of them work specifically on alcoholism or cravings.
    Careful with the klonopin. I would take it only as prescribed. And if you do have problems with anxiety, closely monitor how the welllbutrin effects you. It can aggravate pre-existing anxiety in some people.
    Are you planning to go alcohol free right away?
    Well, best of luck to you! Please do let us know how it goes!
    "Yet someday this will have an end
    All choices made or choice resigned,
    And in your face the literal eye
    Trace little of your history,
    Nor ever piece the tale entire
    Of villages that had to burn
    And playgrounds of the will destroyed
    Before you could be safe from time
    And gather in your brow and air
    The stillness of antiquity."

    From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


      Starting Today- Wellbutrin and Klonopin

      Hi Windy-

      I guess that is what the Dr thought was best for me- I did do some research and it does appear that there are some people take Wellbutrin for their addiction. I am a little nervous in taking the Klonopin and will be emailing my Dr about my concerns. She said I could start it now and then in 2 weeks go off it when I am in Europe and want to have a drink or 2 a night. So I did not start it last night- I did take the Wellbutrin in the morning and felt a little spacy and wiry- but not real bad. I went to dinner with my husband last night and had one glass of wine--maybe it is in my head- but it did not taste that good and it was a very nice glass of wine. Normally I would have a Old Fashion before dinner and 2 glass of wine with dinner- so I think I did good with staying with the one glass.

      Then when we got home my husband informed me that he had bought a very nice bottle to share with me- it was our Anniversary...I don't know what to think- I have asked him to help me by not opening up wine every night. And I did tell him I was starting the Wellbutrin- anyway - I did not (yea) drink anything at home last evening- that is a first in a long time. I know I have to do this for myself- but is sure makes it harder when the hubby will not support this. I am not going to give up.

      I went to bed last night and did take an Ambin CR and it took the edge off the Wellbutrin and I did sleep better than usual.

      Took the Wellbutrin this morning again and still having the spacy and wiry feelings- but I got a lot done today and it is almost 6:30pm here and I am not jones for my first cocktail- this is all good.

      Thank you for listening- I think I just need to get this write each night and keep tack of my journey- maybe this will help someone else also

      Take Care!


        Starting Today- Wellbutrin and Klonopin

        Not good- it is now 8:00pm and I have had about 8oz of wine and now want more-we have not had dinner yet almost there- I do not want to be on the path I was before. I have moved to the outside- I am never out in my backyard- is this enough to change my habits??? Hearing the quail and a distant humming bird.


          Starting Today- Wellbutrin and Klonopin

          Hey Saje,

          I just started Wellbutrin a couple weeks ago for a few things. It's done great stuff for my mood, energy and focus. I'm taking baclofen, so don't have any alcohol cravings, so can't tell you if it helps with that. What you and your husband might like is that it can raise your libido a lot, so if you go to Paris for your Europe trip, the Eiffel Tower might put naughty thoughts in your head. You'd have the same problem where I live, with the Space Needle.

          Anyways, best of luck to you. Hope you're doing well.
          Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
          George Santayana


            Starting Today- Wellbutrin and Klonopin

            I believe wellbutrin takes some time for it to really help you. I am not familiar with it but if it's a SSRI it will take time.
            How much klonipin are you taking? That's probably for your anxiety. It can help and it's longer lasting. I am guesing he has you on 1 mg OD. It will help you sleep also. Watch it with drinking, it will potentiate its effects slow down your CNS.

