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Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

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    Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

    What I am trying to do now is make little changes that I can do without much effort, by adding healthy things, rather than saying I will not eat such and such little things like having my green smoothie drink for breakfast instead of nothing, having wholemeal bread instead of white and adding veg on the side with my dinner, that way Im hoping I will start feeling better, once my back is better and Im able I want to start some exercise again, although Im going to have to be careful with that one but walking should be ok and if I could motivate myself to see what else I can do. Someone one another thread has very kindly sent me a book to download with back exercises so I hope to try that soon.

    I am aware that these things are probably not going to have me loose the 3 stone I would could do with loosing but I hope its a good start. About 15 years ago I was a gym obsessive, I dont know how I did it but I would be in the gym most days and hardly ever ate a decent meal, at the time I was very unhappy with myself and with my life, my self esteem was so low. I have to second what Molly said about cross addictions, I had stopped drinking and became obsessed with my body, I think I probably had what people might say was a body to die for, but it very nearly killed me and definately wasnt worth it, I would hate to be in that place again


      Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

      Hi Ne,

      I think it is pretty useless to argue with you about something that you are not informed at all.
      I know that my view on this is not mainstream, however that does not mean that it is not valid. As a matter of fact there is nothing on earth that is more misunderstood by the public than nutrition. It is not your fault or the public's fault, because unfortunately FDA the one that has put out some guidelines like the food pyramid that is completely irrelevant .
      This is the authority that misled hundreds of millions of people to make them believe that fat makes you fat. Causing an incredible damage in people's lives with an epidemic in obesity by promoting carbs.
      "Two-thirds of U.S. adults are overweight or obese" (2012 FRAC data).
      And obesity is not only an issue of how someone looks in the mirror, but much rather a health risk as it is a major contributor for strokes and heart attacks.
      The Standard American Diet (called SAD by some) is truly very sad and responsible for most of the degenerative diseases of our time. The problem is that people are brainwashed by advertisements of the food industry.
      Adds tell you that milk is healthy, and you need to drink milk to get your Calcium. Milk is causing damage in people's life more than you can imagine.[/video]]Milk The Deadly Poison WATCH THIS!!! - YouTube

      It is convenient to live a "modern" life and buy all the unhealthy products that you can get from the shelves of the supermarket and then put in the micro and feed your family in 5 minutes. It takes time to educate yourself and find the truth behind the lies that the food industry manipulate your brain with.
      You can cure all the modern degenerative diseases by the food you eat.
      May be you remember this from school:

      “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
      ― Hippocrates

      It is so true! But people forget it because they want convenience more than health!
      Lots of people on this website have depression, because they eat garbage 24/7.
      If you believe you can eat McDonalds for a long time and stay healthy, you might be in for a big surprise.
      But Joe 6 pack needs his hamburger from McDonalds not to mention the over-sized french fries.
      That is why the hospitals are overloaded and Doctors are driving SL500 Mercedeses and not Yugos.
      This is why you are seeking medical help and I don't. I eat the right food and I do not need doctors.
      The argument that you should not change your diet because you have enough to deal with alcohol addiction, is just laughable.
      If you have the wrong diet to start with ( as most people sadly are) your body can only benefit from good dietary changes.
      The problem is that people do not want to change. They want to eat the food they got used to for decades.
      Hamburgers, BBQs, triple-decker sandwiches and ice creams are all nails in your coffin.
      To step up to the plate and take responsibility of your own health requires some commitment and some education on nutrition.

      It is very disturbing how can you post some messages with total incompetence yet sounding like you are a real expert:

      Ne/Neva Eva;1320162 wrote: And it's not just the Gabriel method. It's fasting too. It can be dangerous. It can be really devastating to overall long term health and well being.
      Long term fasting is...a lifestyle choice, not a health choice.
      Repeated short term fasting undermines the body's natural (and positive) way for maintaining healthy weight.
      But then again you do it all the time as it seems from your posts, and it seems like you are the "Jack of all trades".
      I am really spending too much time on this website and I want to get off of it. I also really want to end this argument, so might as well I make this my
      last post on MWO.
      Luckily I got some good info from this website and was able to change my life around for good.
      Even if I will have temporary setbacks, I know that Antabuse will help me along the way.

      Anyway, I wish good luck to all!


        Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

        I started something new today: I am getting lettuce wraps instead of bread and side salad instead of potatoes when I eat fast food. Veggies in place of potatoes. Unsweetened tea instead of diet coke/pepsi. As far as a treat, two Oreo's or one Dove dark chocolate.
        Sinclair Method (50mg naltrexone one hour before drinking)

        Pre TSM 80-90 Units Per Week, No Alc Free Days

        After control: 3-6 units per month, 25+ alcohol free days!


          Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

          Fasting can be good or bad. Depends what you are doing.
          Diet is important. It's not a cure all for everything. Let's not kid ourselves.
          I know a bit about it. I was a director of nutrition for a clinic and have certs. There's an angle on everything.

          I drink pure cider vinegar everyday. It helps. I get meats from ranchers that don't use hormones, grain fed, all that good stuff. Better than that junk at the supermarket packed in solutions to preserve and salt your food up. But I just like good food.

          Fast food, you are killing yourself. I never touch it anymore although I do get a craving every blue moon. Thank god I don't go out clubbing anymore.

          Exercise and good diet can be great. Sometimes one needs more. Too many scrips aren't too good either but I can't talk there.

          Just started hitting the weights again and looking forward to doing some backpacking soon to clean me out.

          Till then I will be overindulging in my own menus but at least they will be my own foods and own stocks, etc. And they will be yummy.

          Eat well and prosper.


            Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

            Hi, again, WTBS.
            I'm just going to try to ignore all of the insults and assumptions you made about my knowledge (or rather lack thereof.)
            We agree, sort of.

            I wasn't responding to anything related to the food pyramid, the FDA, milk or fast food. About which apparently we agree completely. The first two were bought and sold, and in part by the latter two.
            Nor was I responding to anything related to the state of nutrition in this country or the obesity epidemic.

            I was specifically responding to the assertion that long-term, or repeated short-term fasts are a solution to being overweight/losing weight when one is attempting sobriety. It can be completely counterproductive and in fact dangerous.


            I, too, have learned more from MWO then I could ever begin to give back. That includes looking into all of the many resources and suggestions on the holistic threads. Those things have changed my life for the better almost as much as baclofen has. But there is also as much misinformation there about healthy choices as there is on these threads about baclofen.

            I have been heartened by your success. I am glad you are doing so well.


              Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

              Why is milk bad for you?

              Edit Its ok I googled it


                Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

                spacebebe01;1320919 wrote: Why is milk bad for you?
                It's mostly not. imho. Hormones and antibiotics in dairy cattle feed, the way dairy cows are treated and the way our milk is produced are the reasons I don't drink it. But you'll find lots and lots and LOTS of information about it in Holistic with plenty of reason to avoid it like the plague. (Much of it I've found to be true in scientific literature. Some of it is the ol' "OMG! The sky is falling!!!" imho.)

                I have a silly thing about milk and eggs...It seems more humane to me to worry less about the animals that are slaughtered (as disgusting and horrific as that entire procedure is) than to contribute to the ongoing suffering of animals that produce milk and eggs. But that's my thing and I'm the first to admit it's a bit ass-backward. I can't afford all-organic, all grass-fed, all-humane animals.*** My husband won't give up meat (and I'm not sure it's the right decision, right now, for me) so it's my little contribution.

                ***Not to mention the fact that I did actually visit two of our local farms to check out the animals. And the results were NOT good. In one case, it was really heart-breaking actually. Lesson learned for me! And the organic label is still bull shit in this country. Anyway...

                I really thought your posts about the whole thing were spot on, Space.


                  Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

                  Also, WTBS, I wanted to draw your attention to the last time that you were concerned that I was posting misinformation that I couldn't back up:


                  Just in case you didn't see my response.


                    Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

                    All this information is enough to make you despair, lol. I know that animals that we eat (and purchase from the supermarket) are treated inhumanely and that their meat is probably full of preservatives. I don't think about it often or maybe I would lose weight. A LOT, lol. I don't have access to famers who slaughter their own animals for sale, and I don't buy organic very often.

                    Anyway, I am overwhelmed by what I should do/could do and just have to think on this for a while.


                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

                      I agree with you LG, its all just so confusing. I buy my meat and veg from the supermarket, I dont have an affordable, accessible alternative.

                      I really do want ot stop drinking milk tho, Im not going to get into the good for you/bad for you stuff but I hate the thought of the cows being treated badly and also know I would probably loose weight if I did. I dont know what I would do tho without my tea and coffee. I think I will try to make a concious effort to cut down today tho. or maybe not, as soon as I wrote that I wanted a can of lager instead!! I will try and see how it goes, but no cans of lager in the day time, if it comes to it it will just be back to the tea with milk.


                        Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

                        By the time I used baclofen to get me off the sauce I was 100 lbs (7 stone) overweight. My weight didn't change until 4 months down the line when I decided to go on a calorie controlled diet. Then it fell off. Between 01 June 2011 and 01 Jan 2012 I lost all that excess and more and in fact had to consciously put some back on because I didn't like looking too skinny. I went from a size 46 inch waist to a 32 in 7 months.

                        No fasting/starving. No faddy diets. No cutting out food groups. Just calorie counting and exercise. Simples!
                        "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                          Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

                          Meh, that's what phentermine and ephedrine are for.
                          Just kidding.
                          Milk, good thing I don't like it I guess.
                          I do miss my beer though. That had vitamins at least.


                            Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

                            LibraryGirl;1320952 wrote: All this information is enough to make you despair, lol.

                            Anyway, I am overwhelmed by what I should do/could do and just have to think on this for a while.

                            ME TOO!

                            spacebebe01;1320961 wrote:
                            I agree with you LG, its all just so confusing. I buy my meat and veg from the supermarket, I dont have an affordable, accessible alternative.
                            I tried the dieting/supplementing thing when I was trying to get sober. Boy did that not work. And with so much conflicting information, I couldn't tell if what I was doing was helping or hurting.
                            When I lost weight (before I got sober...I thought it was going to help me with that. It didn't.) It was the way Ifyoulovelife did it. We call it the Popeye diet because I ate so much spinach...I still think spinach is the cure-all for all things. (Got a burn? Try spinach-paste. Broken leg? Spinach-cast. I'm kidding, of course.)

                            I'm still trying to figure it out, because I think it's one of the long-term solutions to what ails me now (attention and tiredness.) Wish I had an easy answer...No sugar, no white stuff, no refined anything is harder than no meat. (For me.)
                            I'm trying to take baby steps. I got some good advice on the Holistic threads that got me started.

                            I wish there was an arena to talk about this stuff without going hog-wild over how evil everything is, or how I have to spend 3X my budget on food... Or in any way be so over the top that I have to give up life to eat. Or exercise. It's hard.

                            No MnMs for me today, though. Maybe. If I eat soon. :H and :upset:


                              Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

                              COSGringo;1320979 wrote: Meh, that's what phentermine and ephedrine are for.
                              Just kidding.


                                Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

                                spacebebe, have you tried Silk soy milk? I like it. The vanilla is really good, and the chocolate is divine. I won't have any trouble not drinking milk, as I never drink it now. There's one thing I won't struggle with, but then again it's not a factor in my weight problem now, lol.

                                "I like people too much or not at all."
                                Sylvia Plath

