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Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

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    Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

    me too hippyman!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

      wanttobesober;1320006 wrote: To answer your question: NOPE!

      Fasting is very, very beneficial for you. Why do you think almost all religion is incorporating some sort of fasting in their rules?
      Also there are many, many cases in history when people got stranded after plane-crash
      or ship wrack and found later to found out that all of them were in remarkable health.

      It is because fasting is cleansing your body and also it gives a chance to your organs to
      regenerate themselves.
      There are lots of people who do 40 days fasting on water, sometimes more.
      You can heal any diseases by fasting.There are many books on fasting and also many
      clips on Youtube on 40 day waterfasting:

      40 day water fast - YouTube

      I understand that it is not for everybody. However if someone does not have a fear of
      fasting, it is very rewarding.
      You are correct. Your body goes to starvation mode and when you start eating it uses most of the food it can, but it still worth doing it.

      In your case it is really not worth to worry about dieting. Pies are still 100% better than vodka.

      I began "fasting" every other day in November (11/13). I restrict calories to around 600 total, and ideally less than that, every other day. On opposite days I eat nearly 2000 calories, no restrictions although I try to eat healthy. Sometimes, ok a lot of times, I have chocolate, fried foods, etc. It is working!! Plus, as Brian says, it is very healthy for your body and helps with all kinds of healing. I am not as strict as some people (as I do eat around 500 calories on "fasting" days, as I said), so I'm only losing about 1.5 lbs a week, but it's worth it! I love this way of eating and plan to do it indefinitely. Once I get to goal, it's just a matter of eating more on low days...if anyone's interested it's called JUDDD (Johnson's Up Day Down Day Diet). Google it.

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

        dont you get shaky l.g?or feel weak?
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

          No, I thought that would happen Pauly, but it didn't. One of the mottos of this group, my JUDDD forum, is, "Hunger is not an emergency". It seems simple, but it's very true. I always felt like I HAD to eat if I got hungry and that it was even unhealthy to not eat. That's not true either, and once I realized it was ok to feel hunger and not immediately "feed" it, I was able to get through it and actually kind of enjoy it. If you do feel weak or shaky, broth (whatever kind you like, homemade or canned) is good and helps with hunger as well. At only 10 calories a cup, it does the job like nothing else.

          I don't recommend JUDDD for people who are new to quitting AL. I think it would be too difficult because it really does require almost the same amount of energy as quitting, and takes a lot of thought too. I would not have been able to even consider this when I first came to MWO, or even 6 months ago, probably.

          "I like people too much or not at all."
          Sylvia Plath


            Weight loss after quit drinking!?...

            Garyford;1389738 wrote: I quit drinking 6 weeks ago. I was 206 then and am 188 now. The Dr said my ideal weight should be 170.

            Elimination of alcohol had an immediate quadruple benefit:

            1) Not drinking 6 beers a day eliminated 900 calories right off the bat.
            2) Of course the beer always had junk food to go along with it... chips, pizza... etc. Not drinking eliminated that as well.
            3) All this eating and drinking was done right before bed... the WORST time to eat/drink anything.
            4) After a night of drinking, I was too hungover to go to the gym, so I wasn't burning that which I ate/drank.

            So now the booze is gone, my diet is under control, and I am feeling good at 5:00am and hitting the gym hard. I hope I can maintain it.

            One bit of news that reenforced my decision to stop drinking, was that a routine blood test showed my liver functions were becoming abnormal due to liver damage. The damage was mild, caught early and still completely reversable, but it is now very clear that alcohol is now, and forever shall be, a no no for me.
            Hi Garyford

            I think you are on the right track and you should be able to maintain it.

            Here's my story. In 2007, at age 56 and at 5'11" and 225 lbs I finally found my way into the gym. I was able to lose 25 lbs in about 18 mos by hitting the weights and running and for the first time in my life beginning to eat properly (3 meals a day, reduced fats and carbs, increased vegetables and fruit, less cheese and dairy and no late night snacking), but I floored out at 200 and couldn't lose another pound.

            In 2008 I quit my 3-4 double martini a night habit and another 10 lbs dropped off. It was like they washed off in the shower they came off so fast. I eventually lost another 15 lbs over the next two years by ramping up the gym and the running even more and minimizing calories and bottomed out at 172 for a total loss of 53 lbs. But it was too much. I couldn't keep up the exercise pace and control the calories indefinitely and over the past three years I've drifted back to 190-2 lbs which I seem to be able to maintain with continued regular exercise and reasonable diet.

            I never did come back to drinking and have found a new life hangover-free, with no alcohol-induced late nights and terrible mornings. I never have to worry about getting behind the wheel after a few and I never have "one (ha!) too many". I've learned to turn down alcohol when out with friends and clients and although I was a bit embarrassed in the beginning, its a non-event now.

            And my cholesterol has gone from danger zone high to healthy low, which has a psychological benefit, too. The other psychological benefit has been that the gym and running have replaced alcohol as my anxiolytic of choice. While I used to go home and collapse in an easy chair after work and start drinking the evening away, I now hit the gym and it has the same (or better) anxiety-relieving effect, but with no downside.

            So I definitely think you are on the right track.

            With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination

