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My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

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    My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

    Hi All!

    I guess this is where the journey begins:

    I'm 43. I began drinking and experimenting with drugs and alcohol in my teens. I did coke for a couple of months when I was 18-19, a lot. I was able to stop and never did it again ever. I have, however, drank every day since then. I have always been involved with the family business, which I am currently running wit both of my parents in semi retirement and still coming in to stay occupied. I bought a nice house in '96 and had a son in '98. I was drinking about 12 beers a night at this time. His mother and I never married. She left my son and I when my son was 5. Never to be heard from again. My parents offered to have my son move into my old room.So he lived between our houses for several years. In '03 I attended Le Cordon Bleu School of Culinary Arts. Upon graduation I started working at an upscale restaurant. My son went to living with my folks pretty much full time after that. I was at the Restaurant just about every night and only saw my son on my days off for about 4 years. At this point I was drinking 14 to 18 beers a night. I'm sure I shouldn't have to explain that I am suffering from depression, non-suicidal, since my early teens. Coming and going usually seasonally end of summer until about Halloween. I left the restaurant and came back to the family business. This is about the time I feel like "The Monster" really took over. Business was bad money got tight and made every excuse I could find to be at the bar only with friends or home by six or seven. I have never had a DUI and have always even today to not drink more than four beers over a 3-4 hour period before driving(this is a more recent rule the my old rule which is NEVER have more than 1 drink if I'm driving). The Bar rule started about 4 years ago, except I am at the bar even if my friends aren't. Club soda until 5, beer until 7 or 7:30. Let me digress a bit. My son has always had ADHD. and has been a handful for parents and I. I really felt my life was out of control. a couple of years ago.....I appreciate you still reading this, as I am crying like a baby as I go son would ask to sleep over at my house and I always had an excuse why he couldn't. The truth is my house is my cave and I don't want anyone seeing me drink. I even stopped going to parties or would only have a few if I did. No one has been in my house but me for at least 2 years. I know I am starting to ramble, but this is where I KNOW I'd lost complete control. In Nov. '11 we received a very substantial contract that would have us very busy for at least 5 years. HOORAY!!!! Things were looking up. I told my self I was going to start going to the gym, cut back on my drinking. I planned on getting a dumpster and clean my cave out. I starting making plans on taking my son to Germany this summer. Things were looking up. I still had the stress of my son doing poorly in school. Signs of depression started show in my son. I sent him to my old shrink. My habit at that time somewhat less as it now,but currently : Bar 3 or 4 pints, home 4or5 12oz beers then by 9PM a 6oz bottle of Jagermeister an Ambien and a few more beers until I pass out. When I wake up in the middle of the night thirsy and unable to sleep, I will have a beer or two to get back to sleep, repeat until nothing passed 5am on weekdays and sleep until 9 lay in bed until 10am. Go to work a few hours to get my work done. Back at the bar at 3 or 4 PM. Now in the blurred and confusing period between Nov '11 and today 1) My 14 year old son started experimenting with drugs 2)While on something unknown went into a fit of rage and threatened to slice his wrist in front of his grandparents. This got him locked in a psych. ward for 5 days. 3) Got expelled for having pot in school 4) constant arguing and talking him down(only I can do this, because I KNOW what he is feeling) You get the picture. He's now in a different learning environment that I am in love with.And, he is getting A's and B's! I'm proud of even though he is struggling emotionally. AND I AM A FRIGGIN" BASKET CASE. Two weeks ago I made the decision that I was tired of being in this alcoholic hell. I told everybody I knew except my son and parents. That I was going to find a way to quit. I am ready the"easyway" book and and almost finished and it makes sense and I was going to try Fresh Start with the Neltrexone implant. I read a lot of posts here and all ove the web. I read up on all of the different meds. I finally went to my doctor yesterday and asked for Naltrexone to see if would help. I took my first pill yesterday. I actually cut 6 beers out last night. I haven't done that in the last few years. actually decrease instead of increase. I woke less and slept better. I know it is only the first night and a new broom always sweep great. I also did what was probably the hardest thing I have ever done, yesterday. I told my son, who was feeling really down yesterday that I had a drinking problem and that was why he hadn't been to my house. Because I didn't want him to see me drink myself stupid. I told him I was getting help and that I was going to a Psychiatrist in two weeks. I asked him to help me as we go down this road together. We cried together. Folks he is ALL that I have. I haven't dated since his mother. He is more important than alcohol and I am going to slay "The Monster" With Naltrexone or whatever it takes. I apologize for my verbal vomit. But, I feel a little bit better now. I don't want to hide who I am anymore. Thank you for reading and good luck to every one of you on this road that we call recovery.

    My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

    Wow, Frank.
    You almost had me crying too.
    I'm short on time, so all I'll say for now is I'm SO glad you're here! Hopefully with meds and support we will kill your "monster".
    Tomorrow, however, I'll be stuck on a bus and have all the time in the world. I'm going to think about the things you've said, and write a better post tomorrow.
    I think you have a great attitude, and it really sounds like you're ready to do anything it takes to get well. That's awesome.
    It may not feel like it right now, but I think your son is very lucky to have you. And I think this is going to be an amazing journey for both of you.
    I'll be back tomorrow, but please check in and let us know how tonight went for you!
    "Yet someday this will have an end
    All choices made or choice resigned,
    And in your face the literal eye
    Trace little of your history,
    Nor ever piece the tale entire
    Of villages that had to burn
    And playgrounds of the will destroyed
    Before you could be safe from time
    And gather in your brow and air
    The stillness of antiquity."

    From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


      My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

      I will, Thanks.


        My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

        Hi Frank

        I read all your post. I hope that now you can become closer to your son and built a better relationship from now. you may eventually start to turn your cave back into a home to have a place for you to be together. But first things first

        You have a great start, reducing the drink on the first day, well done. keep posting and let us know how things are going.


          My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

          :welcome: You've come to the right place. There is a wealth of information here and I can also recommend that you read the MWO book, which you will find in the health shop section. You are in good company and you have made the most important step: the first one. :l


            My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

            wow frank, hang in there. i have a 14 year old son as well and i would be devastated if he chose the road of addiction. It was a huge reason i quit when i did. kids that live in homes with smoking parents, smoke. kids that live with alcohol drinking parents.... well you get it..
            stick with it, he is worth it
            We try to convince ourselves otherwise but "they ARE watching us"
            AF since Sept 2013...


              My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

              Hi, All!

              I went to my local bar to watch the Rangers vs Devils game. I ordered a 20oz beer at 5:30. The second at 6:30. And I left at 8:00 with the second beer 1/2 full. I've stared to notice that I don't like drunks, and don't want to be one. I know I am one and that's why I hide in my cave. Any way, I still had my 6oz of Jager and 6 pints of beer at home. One of those was in the middle of the night. I awoke again but didn't drink a beer and slept good. So far, w/o Nal 24-26 drinks a night, W/Nal Day 1 18, Day 2 17. I am depressed, but I don't know if it is more or the same. I will wait to form an opinion on that.


                My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

                Hey Frank! I don't know why I thought last night that I'd have some kind of amazing insights for you today. I don't. I guess your story just really touched me. I just want your cave cleaned out and you and your son happy!
                Your inital results are very encouraging! Depression's a bitch though. What's been hard for me is trying to distinguish between psychiatric depression and situational depression. What's my brain acting up and what's me just sad about the state of my life. The meds I'm on now really help.

                Please continue to keep us updated!
                "Yet someday this will have an end
                All choices made or choice resigned,
                And in your face the literal eye
                Trace little of your history,
                Nor ever piece the tale entire
                Of villages that had to burn
                And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                Before you could be safe from time
                And gather in your brow and air
                The stillness of antiquity."

                From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


                  My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

                  That's okay, Windy. I'm a little scared about this journey. NAL has already cut my daily consumption by a third. I should be happy right? What was the heaviest drinker on this board, and what was their weekly intake? And, their best progress? Does anybody know. I'm afraid that if NAL gets me to 50% that's still way too much.My friends tell me that 30% is GREAT. But, it doesn't feel great. I'll hang in, though because I am going to do the best that I can. And, I know that there are other options.


                    My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

                    Hi Frank, its early days and dont worry about other peoples drinking, I know it seems so hard when you drink so much, I didnt think I would find another woman who drank as much as me, in as much as a mess as me, I still dont know if I have but now it doesnt matter. Yes a third is brilliant its a massive reduction, I cant work out how much you are drinking from what you described, well I probably could but havent.

                    I was drinking 1 litre of vodka plus either a 1/2 bottle of vodka or 3 litres of cider a day roughly, some days more, some days less, I just woke up, drank, passed out, woke up drank, passed out and repeat on and on and now I cant believe it, I still drink, 4 lagers a night and want to stop that, but come on, this does work, its working for me and has worked for a lot of other people.

                    Oh, my son also has adhd, its a bugger, hes 23 now and has bad problems but his growing up was a challenge


                      My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

                      I was drinking 24 beers a night for a while now. I am down to 15 in two days. I just drink in the evenings to get through the night. I'm 5'10 and weigh 265lbs.


                        My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

                        Well Frank theres your question answered, yes other peeps have drank more than you, me. From 24 to 15 is fantastic, from reading back you take naltrexone right. Are you going to be taking it TSM or taking it everyday as an anticraving med? I have never taken nal so dont have any experience of it to give you. All I can say is take your time, dont expect miracles in a week and let the med do its work. I am not scientifically minded but think the meds change our brain chemistry and signals so we just wont want alcohol so much anymore. Years of drinking have our brains hard wired to think of drink and crave and that will take time to re wire. Thats my take on it anyway, so be patient.


                          My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

                          I am taking NAL, Space. I got it hoping for the anti-craving effect. I probably will follow TSM. But, it seems to be working. I seem to be depressed after I wake up. I'm sure it will all work its way out. This has to be a shock to my system. I went to the bar, tonight. Ordered a 20oz beer. Left an hour or so later and left a couple of swallows in the glass. I'm proud of myself.


                            My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

                            I was drinking 24 beers a night for a while now. I am down to 15 in two days. I just drink in the evenings to get through the night. I'm 5'10 and weigh 265lbs.


                              My Journey Begins(very long, sorry)

                              Frank918;1324006 wrote: I'm proud of myself.
                              As you should be

