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France approves Baclofen for Alcoholism treatment

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    France approves Baclofen for Alcoholism treatment

    No problem. It is very easy on these boards to get the wrong sense of what someone is talking about.

    We had the doc at the house today and will hopefully get something on top of baclofen, maybe gabapentin or topa...who knows.

    Olivier Ameisen

    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


      France approves Baclofen for Alcoholism treatment

      BetterAndBetter;1324437 wrote: Thanks, Otter. That detailed explanation helps a lot. The problem with the internet, delayed call-and-response, message board, sort of communication is that it's hardly as effective as real-time conversation and the resulting real-time clarification of communication, but I'm damn glad we have the ability to do this! That way everyone can read and benefit from it. And I will order the book you recommended. With all these options available I don't think "mono-treatment" is probably necessary, anymore. Hit a problem from all available medically compatible (with some not being "medical") angles until it no longer is one. A multilateral synergistic approach. So yes, I did misunderstand you, initially. My apologies.
      Sorry to butt in, but I just want to say how much I agree with the idea of hitting alcohol dependence with as many things as possible. I'm currently hoping to persue this approach within the next week...just waiting to hear back from my doctor about trying one particular medication idea, but even reconsidering going back to AA if necessary.

      I hope everything is going ok for you, sorry I don't know your full story yet but I don't get much time online to check this forum's threads.


        France approves Baclofen for Alcoholism treatment

        Otter;1324455 wrote: We had the doc at the house today and will hopefully get something on top of baclofen, maybe gabapentin or topa...who knows.
        Actually, one of these two medication combinations is exactly what I am chasing up with my own doctor right now, due to severe alcohol cravings and obsessive thoughts about drinking at times.


          France approves Baclofen for Alcoholism treatment

          Hi. I'm new to this site, but just started Baclofen yesterday. Started at 4 tabs daily, 'till I reach 8 tabs(10mg) in 12 days or so. After that medical tests needs to be done. I pray to God this will help. Tried AA, one month rehab, Antabuse. had Antabuse implanted( in Poland it is allowed), all kinds of antidepresants and nothing worked for me. Will post as often as I can with my experience.


            France approves Baclofen for Alcoholism treatment

            Hi Kido and welcome to MWO.

            What dose are you baclofen tabs? did you get them from your doctor, I only ask because I dont understand what you are doing with the 4 tabs going to 8 tabs in 12 days, I thought the lowest doseage was a 10mg tablet and starting on 40mg seems high to me, or are you pills a lower dose. Anyway how are you feeling, a lot of us have tired everything we could think of, I know I have. I find posting on here and reading around a lot helps so much, I look forward to getting to know you better.


              France approves Baclofen for Alcoholism treatment

              Yes, another interesting thread about baclofen.

              There ARE SO MANY. and, IMHO, they are not just interesting, they hold knowledge and information that are essential keys to end dying from alcohol.

              I haven't read the whole thread. I HAVE been here, on MWO, since 2009, reading almost everything posted by evryone about baclofen. Otter . . . :bow. . . your (thankfully, continuing) posts have made significant contributions to my continued aliveness and vitality, free from alcohol's evil reign; along with giving me support to help others. My pdoc is now referring patients to me to assist them with baclofen titration for addiction. Without the knowledge that I have gained from this board, and especially YOUR breath-taking courage and continuing research and sharing, this would not be possible.

              It's disconcerting to me (and I'm not easily disconcerted!) to see new members, struggling to find an end to their misery, take up baclofen without adequately preparing themselves for the journey. The phrase "knowledge is power" pales in relationship to what it takes to successfully navigate the baclofen way out. This board is a veritable gold mine of knowledge, experience and information that, it seems, many newcomers never open the door to. Your patience and persistence are duly noted and gratefully acknowledged.
              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                France approves Baclofen for Alcoholism treatment

                I was pleased to hear that the Prescribing Guide for Baclofen in Alcoholism is to be published in English in a peer reviewed medical journal. It should come out shortly and I will post the link when I have it.




                Olivier Ameisen

                In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                  France approves Baclofen for Alcoholism treatment

                  75 Years In The Making: Harvard Just Released Its Epic Study On What Men Need To Live

                  Interesting article, but we already knew this to a certain extent.

                  The significant part:

                  "As you can imagine, the study?s discoveries are bountiful, but the most significant finding of all is that ?Alcoholism is a disorder of great destructive power.? In fact, alcoholism is the single strongest cause of divorce between the Grant Study men and their wives. Alcoholism was also found to be strongly coupled with neurosis and depression (which most often follows alcohol abuse, rather than preceding it). Together with cigarette smoking, alcoholism proves to be the #1 greatest cause of morbidity and death. And above a certain level, intelligence doesn?t prevent the damage."

                  I'm not allowed to post the link to the rest of the article...


                    France approves Baclofen for Alcoholism treatment

                    Hi lmw...

                    Thanks for posting.

                    For those of us who have been around here for a while the conclusion that ?Alcoholism is a disorder of great destructive power? is not at all a surprise. But confirmation is always good.

                    I would like to quibble with another of the conclusions, however. It has been lore in the American approach to alcoholism (including in AA) that drinking too much precedes neurosis and depression. Therefore, if the sufferer would just quit drinking, the neurosis and depression would go away. This is the position taken some years ago by a prominent alcoholism researcher and writer named, I think, Robert DuPont.

                    I have no doubt that alcoholism exacerbates neurosis (whatever neurosis is) and depression. But I have come to believe that mental discomfort (not only "neurosis and depression", but also anxiety) very frequently precedes substance abuse. The stories on this forum of feeling depression and anxiety since childhood and for years through adulthood, and self-medicating with alcohol, are legion. The feelings of discomfort often precede drinking and often precede abusive drinking. This, of course, was a central part of Dr Ameisen's self-discovery. And it may be an important part of the reason why baclofen, an anxiolytic, works.

                    So, for whatever its worth, there are two sides to the argument.


                    With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                      France approves Baclofen for Alcoholism treatment

                      Getting drunk without the hangover or health risks – scientist seeks investment for ‘alcohol substitute’ drug - Home News - UK - The Independent

                      This'll take off before bac does, I bet.

