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Where to start: Baclofen, Campral, Kudzu, L-Gfutamine,

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    Where to start: Baclofen, Campral, Kudzu, L-Gfutamine,

    Hello everyone. I am so excited that I stumbled across this forum and I have a lot of question that Im hoping some of you can answer. First a little background on mysef. I guess I would be considered a binge drinker. It started about 6 years ago, innocently of course. I was dealing with a lot and would have glass of wine to help me fall asleep it slowly progressed to vodk but because my drinking was "controlled" meaning only after 6pm and stopping by 11pm. Weekends were my"recovery period", at least thats what I called it. My binges never last more than two weeks and Ive gone over a month without drinking. Of course at that point I would have to reward myself for going so long with out alcohol. So I would have alcohol!! So stupid. I voluntarily got myself into an outpatient program and it was easy but once I didnt have anyone to be accountable to I soon fell back into drinking with the same on and off patern. Unfortunately,this outpatient program did not address the underlying reason I began drinking to begin with and to me that is just setting someone up to fail. They also do not teach you anything about developing new coping skills which I believe is essential!! Whch brings me to now. Ive been AF for a week now and as always it starts off easy, no thoughts of drinking. This usually lasts for a few weeks until something set me off. So, Im hoping to examine all the options to find what is best for me.

    Im trying to find out what I should I start out with and what possible combinations of medication will increase my success rate. Unfortunately my Dr. is against using medication for Alcohol Addiction but at this point its obvious I need a little extra helpl.

    Ive read that Campral has been helpful for alot of people and Ive also ready that it speeds up he brains recovery process and rebalances certain neurotransmiter systems deep within the brain. Improves cognitive skills, coping skills, aility to learn and lessens cravings but from my research its a bit expensive

    Ive also read that Baclofen is great with less side effects, less expensive than Campral and helps with anxiety Does it help heal the brain like campral as well as the other inprovements that campal has? What are its other benefits?

    Anabuse for me is out of the question because from what Ive read you can become violently sick if you even use perfumes or any type of body product that contains even the smallest amout of alcohol. That scares me!! Is that true

    Ive read about Kudzu as a way to supplement the benefits of Campral or Baclofen. Does anyone have any experience with this and does it help??

    Ive also read about L-Glutamine. What exactly are the benefits of this?

    Lastly, Ive ready Vitamin D mentions is a few threads. How is this beneficial in helping with Alcohol Addiction?

    Sorry this is so long but I really want to examine all my options thoroughly. Any other suggestions are definately welcome.

    Thanks :new:
    :wings:Every day is another day to set things right!! Make today a new beginning, the first day of the rest of your life!:wings:

    Goals: to stay AF and to start to incorporate some sort of exercise into my daily routine!!!:wings:

    Where to start: Baclofen, Campral, Kudzu, L-Gfutamine,

    Hi Amy, my gosh you do have a lot of questions there and I do hope you get answers because Id like to know as well.

    Campral. I have taken campral of and on for a couple of years. I cant say what effect it had on me at the time I was getting some AF time, mybe weeks or months and then drinking heavily again. So I love the thought of it healing my brain, but didnt really notice much help with stopping drinking. Maybe a bit of reducing craving. The only side effects where gastric, some diarrhea but nothing awful.

    L Glut ... over the first weeks I took it I noticed that the drinking thoughts went away after having some L glut. Ran out and bought another drand and not noticed any effect. No noticable se's

    Kudzu .... I tried this a few years ago and didnt find any effect. May well of been the brand I used, I got it from a health food brand in UK.

    Baclofen ... I am taking baclofen now and have hopes for it, I have taken a low dose over the past 8 months and combined with antabuse got 6 months AF. Now much reduced alcohol consumpsion. It depends on the dosage, you and your titration scedule. se's can vary from none, to awful. There is loads to read up on baclofen on this forum.

    Antabuse ... I took this for 6 months and it was great for a long while. I did eventually start drinking again as it didnt help with long term cravings for me. I had no problem with toletries, mouthwash or anything else. I dont know of people becoming violently sick from them, there could be a reaction such as facial flushing but thats all Ive ever heard anyone talk of. Again look into it more and ask around.

    Vit D .. Ive never heard of people using this for acoholism, dont know anything about it.

    Milk Thistle ... I take this to help repair the liver.

    Vit C ... Is very good for you, cant remember how but I take it each day, llok into it

    Vit B complex .. alcohol destroys b vitamins which are responsible for health in many parts of our bodies, including the brain and nervous system. It is thiamine dificiency that causes Korsekofs syndrom a form of dementia.

    So thats about all my knowledge of the meds and supps. I am no expert at all this is just what I think to be true, I could be wrong. I am not medically trained or a doctor. The best advice I can give you is to read around as much as you can and carry on asking questions and talking to people on here. You choice really depends on what you want and hope to do.

    Good Luck


      Where to start: Baclofen, Campral, Kudzu, L-Gfutamine,

      Hi Spacebebe. Thanks for all the information especially about the antibuse. Some of the stories Ive heard were scary but it youve never had a reaction then I may reconsider it. Thanks also for all the other items you mention. Im going to do more research on those natural options to help supplement whatever anti-craving medication I decide to use. Im still on the fence as to which one to choose. Hopefully others will be able to give me additional insite.
      :wings:Every day is another day to set things right!! Make today a new beginning, the first day of the rest of your life!:wings:

      Goals: to stay AF and to start to incorporate some sort of exercise into my daily routine!!!:wings:

