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Gabopentin for alcohol and benxo withdrawl

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    Gabopentin for alcohol and benxo withdrawl

    My psych said my combinaition of wine and benzos could be deadly and is switching me from lorazapan to Gabopentin. While I thought 3 to 4 glasses of red wine from dinner to bedtime was moderate, my doc says I'm alcohol dependant. I do NOT take lorazapan in the evening when I drink. I take it mid day when I feel stressed at work and sometimes at 2 am when I wake up and can't go to sleep. We are talking .5 mg one or two times a day. Could I be messed up from 1mg. of lorazapan a day along wine?

    Gabopentin for alcohol and benxo withdrawl

    You might want to look at this site: What would happen if I drank alcohol while taking Gabapentin? ยท Anticonvulsants (Epilepsy prevention drugs) discussions | Therapies & Treatments center |

    Gabapentin is a gaba b agonist like baclofen. It may make you more affected by drinking. Have a look at the baclofen threads here as it is good for anxiety and controls alcohol craving.

    Good luck.

    Olivier Ameisen

    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


      Gabopentin for alcohol and benxo withdrawl

      The medical advice for lorazepam will be to avoid alcohol, so whether your messed up or not you doc is going to have to follow that information.


        Gabopentin for alcohol and benxo withdrawl

        Otter;1325286 wrote: Gabapentin is a gaba b agonist like baclofen. It may make you more affected by drinking. Have a look at the baclofen threads here as it is good for anxiety and controls alcohol craving.

        Good luck.
        Not meaning to be rude, but I have never read that gabapentin is a GABA-B agonist. As far as I have ever heard, it is believed to act by binding to the alpha (2) delta subunit of the voltage-gated calcium channel, like pregabalin:

        Alpha 2 Delta (?(2)?) Ligands, Gabapentin an... [Front Pharmacol. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI

        I have also read in the past that it does not bind to GABA receptors, and is not metabolized into anything else that binds to them either. However, I am happy to be corrected on that, as I don't know everything about medications and I am not a doctor or professional researcher.

        Regarding the original post about being alcohol dependent, many people would say that if you feel a strong need or craving for alcohol regularly, regardless of the amount, you may well be alcohol dependent. I started out only drinking 4 beers per night, but I felt that I needed those 4 beers every night, and I believe I was alcohol dependent at that stage. Alcohol guidelines here in Australia say (the last time I checked) that anything over 2 standard drinks (20 grams of alcohol) per day for women or 4 for men is above what is considered "safe" levels, so according to that you are likely to be somewhat above those levels (3 glasses of wine is usually regarded as being 4 standard drinks or more). Not trying to preach to you, just stating what I believe are current guidelines.

        I have heard that gabapentin reacts less with alcohol than do benzodiazepines like lorazepam, but don't have evidence at my fingertips to back that up. It could still have a reaction however, as both it and alcohol have sedative effects.

