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My Muse Is Returning Thanks To Baclofen

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    My Muse Is Returning Thanks To Baclofen

    I'm having one of those really cool mornings where you know somethings changed in your journey. I'll be quick here, because I want to get back to my passion which is songwriting. It's been a LONG time since I woke up in the morning and grabbed my guitar before I grabbed the bottle. I've been on Bac for just over 3 weeks now and am taking it slow. Today I'll take a total of 37.5 mg in three 12.5 mg doses. I really can't overemphasize how bowled over I am by this! I had kind of forgotten that it was possible. Also, the side effects... pretty crappy ones... have diminished greatly, now that I'm finding my Bac groove, so to speak. Anyway... back to the muse. Sorry to create a thread out of something so individual to me, but I hope it encourages others at the same stage in the game. This is HUGE for me.

    My Muse Is Returning Thanks To Baclofen

    That's great! I'm chuffed for you.
    "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


      My Muse Is Returning Thanks To Baclofen

      Thats so wonderful, keep the groove going


        My Muse Is Returning Thanks To Baclofen

        Thanks for posting BandB. Im getting ready to start my journey on BAC and its helpful and incouraging to ready about what changes are beginning to happen in others. Im looking forward to getting back to my creative self again! Thanks again!!
        :wings:Every day is another day to set things right!! Make today a new beginning, the first day of the rest of your life!:wings:

        Goals: to stay AF and to start to incorporate some sort of exercise into my daily routine!!!:wings:


          My Muse Is Returning Thanks To Baclofen

          AmyC;1325592 wrote: Thanks for posting BandB. Im getting ready to start my journey on BAC and its helpful and incouraging to ready about what changes are beginning to happen in others. Im looking forward to getting back to my creative self again! Thanks again!!
          I think creativity and self-expression are SO important. You're welcome. I'm grateful, also. Just take it slow and it's okay to get excited and positive about it. Pessimism doesn't usually get me to where I want to go. This place is a fantastic resource full of a lot of kind people and good info. And, because we all exist behind these screen names, it's even more anonymous than AA. It's a good place to feel comfortable about sharing your experiences and such without any meaningful judgment. Just do your best to educate yourself, through the experiences of others, and you'll figure out what works best for yourself!


            My Muse Is Returning Thanks To Baclofen

            Thanks BandB and I agree, so far Ive been able to really get alot of great info and everyone is so supportive. I really believe that I finally found a place where I can really get all this straightened out. its the first time Ive been this excited in quite a while!
            :wings:Every day is another day to set things right!! Make today a new beginning, the first day of the rest of your life!:wings:

            Goals: to stay AF and to start to incorporate some sort of exercise into my daily routine!!!:wings:


              My Muse Is Returning Thanks To Baclofen

              I think it's fantastic!! As a fellow guitar player, I love hearing about this stuff. Good for you! I seemed to unfortunately play much less as I quit drinking... I have been sort of re-learning how to do it sober over the last year and a half. :goodjob:

