This seems like a place full of knowledge gained from experience, so I wanna tap into it. I myself am a recovering alcoholic (gettin' there!) and I have some questions about xanax. Thanks in advance for taking your time to read my queries and for giving me whatever input you have to offer - any and all will be appreciated!
I've been taking baclofen for just over a year, and I have never gotten the anxiety that people have spoken so much about as it pertains to this incredible medicine. I've not had anxiety from it as far as I can tell. In fact, I've had the great good fortune of not ever having had anxiety in my life until now! When life circumstances and my own untrained mind recently inspired a speedy spiral into chaos and fearful machinations, I suddenly found myself -for the first time ever- in the clutches of a physical reaction to perceived life-threatening danger, based on what was going on in my mind. Scary and out of control! That's anxiety.
Granted, my life as I knew it when I started to have this experience was pretty scary, what with new and huge financial obligations I still don't know if I could meet, and personal relationships gone very sour, and thus and forth. But still, I was struck by the physical reaction I was having to my thoughts.
So I called up the good Dr. Levin, and he prescribed xanax for me. No questions asked. I had been taking .25 mg, 2 x a day. Then, I ran out before I had the script refilled. Whoops. I went way down, to half .25/day, a quarter of my usual dose. Subsequently, I had some moments of sheer terror, but they passed. And what I noticed when I totally ran out, on my first day without xanax after titrating down (I had been taking it for about three months at this point), was that I felt very happy and okay with the world, in an energized way that I hadn't for a very long time. Maybe it was circumstantial, I dunno. Some stuff had just happened that day that felt really good. But I can't help but wonder what this xanax may have been doing to my spirit, to my mental state, such that when it was somewhat out of my system, I should suddenly feel so much better. ...?
S'anyway, I guess what I'm asking is what you good folk out there have to say about your experiences with xanax. Titrating off it, leaning on it, what have you.
Thanks for reading, thanks again in advance for your input. This truly is a great community.
Yours in Swimming,