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Bac Update And Some Questions ...

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    Bac Update And Some Questions ...

    Hey all--

    I've been gone a few weeks, but I have been doing incredibly well. I came down on the bac, stabilized, and have been very happy. I have been working out a bunch (thanks Ne), getting good work done, and just enjoying my life.

    I went down to much on the bac, and my anxiety and cravings (to me it's the same difference) came back. I went back up to 130mg/day.

    So, I've been able to drink within moderation. I usually have 2 glasses of wine a night. I enjoy wine/alcohol, but my question is, I am going down a dangerous path? At the dose of bac I'm on, I'm feel great during the day, but at night, the anxiety comes back a little, and alcohol in moderation has been pleasant.

    Additionally, I'm going to make a slow 7 week push to take myself off of Paxil. Any thoughts on adjusting baclofen accordingly so I keep myself stabilized?

    Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.

    Bac Update And Some Questions ...

    I think you will know when things are starting to get out of control.

    I am like you, I feel ok of a day but of an evening I want a drink, you will know when you start going from 2 glasses to 3 then 4, or just go mad and have 3 bottles. So I since your asking just keep a close check on how your feeling and thinking about it.

    Why do you want to come off paxil, are you getting bad affects from it? daft question I suppose you must be if you want to stop taking it. What are they? Be careful and see how the drinking goes as you reduce.


      Bac Update And Some Questions ...

      Hi KRS, I would suggest that if you feel the need to drink of an evening then you aren't taking enough baclofen and yes you probably are on a dangerous path.

      Sorry, I have no idea if there is any connection between paxil and baclofen and if you would need to adjust your bac dose accordingly.
      "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


        Bac Update And Some Questions ...

        Maybe it would be a better idea to put off stopping paxil until you get the drinking sorted. Just guessing but by stopping it you could get depression/ whatever reason you where taking it to begin with reacurring, or get withdrawals from it and that doesnt seem like a good place to be when you are still going up on the baclofen.


          Bac Update And Some Questions ...

          Recently my primary MD wanted me to meet with a psychiatrist for depression/anxiety. It felt like a total intervention: my MD, my counselor, this new guy, and me all in the same room for an hour. I was worried they'd put me on Prosac or Lexapro or something--not sure why that idea bothered me so much.

          Point is, to everyone's surprise I think, when the subject came up the psychiatrist said he wouldn't even prescribe anything for me right now because, in his words, when your still drinking medication is like "pissing in the ocean." In other words, there isn't much point to psychiatric meds for someone who's drinking because the booze and problems related to the booze are just too much for a med to overcome. And I'd been sober for maybe 30-40 days at that time.

          Don't know if this helps at all...

          Best of luck.


            Bac Update And Some Questions ...

            krs;1326888 wrote:
            Additionally, I'm going to make a slow 7 week push to take myself off of Paxil. Any thoughts on adjusting baclofen accordingly so I keep myself stabilized?
            Everything is stabilized. You're feeling really good, productive and positive.

            ...and you want to get off a mood stabilizing drug?


            Time. Time. Time. Give the reset some time. That's my thought...

            Drink. Don't drink. Baclofen works. If you're still drinking against your will you'll have to go up until you don't want to drink anymore and then...You won't want to drink anymore! If you're drinking because it's what you've always done then perhaps a period of not drinking will do you good. I think that's pretty standard, actually, for post-indifference.

            Or you can stay on a lower dose and enjoy a couple of drinks. It might bite you down the line, and you'll have to go up again, if the stuff I've read around here is any indication.

            Or you can stay on LDB and abstain. Not sure how that works for the long term yet just in terms of finding indifference.

            Glad you're doing well. I was very worried.


              Bac Update And Some Questions ...

              Hello, It's your choice and up to you to figure out whether you can handle the moderation thing. I personally never got anything out of "social drinking" levels... So I just gave it up. To me alcohol was only fun when indulging... that two drinks crap just didn't make sense to me and still doesn't... but again, you will need to figure that out for yourself.

              I have tapered off of Paxil, it can be quite hellish (not trying to scare you) but take it slooooow! You'll feel electric shocks in your head when you jump completely off... and other weird shit... and most likely it will be followed by a few weeks of depression, sometimes severe. This was just my experience however and your experience may vary... perhaps give it some more time like Ne said... she's a smart cookie and has a point. Give the baclofen more time to do it's thing and get yourself comfortable with your drinking/sobriety before you tackle the paxil... maybe?

