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Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

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    Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

    So, I have a buddy who is an alcoholic and former meth user... he has been sober since September and hasn't used meth in years. I just found out though that he has been using a designer stimulant that can be purchased over the counter in some states called Pump-It... apparently it's very similar to Cocaine or other amphetamines... He has spent thousands of dollars on this shit and got himself in a lot of trouble with it I just found out... I guess it's similar to the "bath salts" stuff that was going around recently and it's labeled as "not for human consumption" so that's how they are able to sell it in convenience stores and what not. Does anyone know much about this stuff, if anything? I found a place online where it could be easily purchased... I guess he's been off of it for 5 days now but said it was hell coming down from it... much like coke or meth. Any info is appreciated..


    Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

    Ive not heard of that particular one, but over here in the UK there are all sorts of "legal highs" made from weedkiller and other supposedly innocuous chemicals. They are lethal and probably more deadly than your smack or coke. I hope your friend manages to stay off it. The hell coming down off any speed is horrendous
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

      I agree with you on coming down from stimulants... I flirted with coke a few times in my early 20's and just couldn't manage more than one night on that crap... I just couldn't see how one could continue on a "run" for days at a time. I guess I'm lucky that the stimulants never really "stuck" with me... unlike alcohol, which I could drink for days on end... :H I too hope he gets straight, he's a close friend and I want to be there for him. I've occasionally popped a ritalin or two for the hell of it as well... not really my thing.


        Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

        Ohh you are lucky, stimulants were my drug of choice. Went for 2 weeks once and nearly killed myself. They are a terrible drug. So then I went on to alcohol :H What an idiot eh
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

          Hey! we're all idiots in our own way!! I was an idiot for years of abusing alcohol to the point of nearly dying in my late 20's!! I think we do that though... give up one thing and look for another to take it's place.

          So is this shit like the "Bath Salts" that was going around in the last year on the news??


            Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

            Yes, some people died over here. They called it Meow tho, not bath salts.

            How are you doing on the AF front now?
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

              Still very much AF... I have no desire to drink. It's an amazing feeling that I sometimes have to stop and think about to realize how real it is, and how messed up I was just two and a half to 3 years ago. How are you getting along? Sorry I haven't been keeping up here regularly... but since tonight is one of my insomnia nights I figured I'd try to post on a few things...


                Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

                Excellent Bminor!! Thats the thing isnt it? I never get tired of my sobriety. My life began when I stopped messing it up with drugs and booze. Almost 4 years ago now
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

                  Well hell yeah man... glad to hear that. 4 years is awesome dude. It really is a whole new world. I've had to re-learn how to live and feel emotions and all that shit. But I wouldn't trade it for anything right now.

                  So, forgive me for not knowing your story, but how did you do it? baclofen, AA, just quit? I'm always interested to hear how others have done it.


                    Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

                    And also forgive me please for calling you a dude... I just looked at your profile... I'm an idiot.


                      Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

                      The emotions bit is still hard, but then it was even harder when I was drinking! I was suicidal at that point.

                      Just quit, after my last horrendous bender and my liver complaining for ages I knew it was either quit or die. So I quit, found this place and TOTALLY changed my life in every way. This place has been the cornerstone of my recovery, I have made many real life friends who I still see pretty regularly. It has made all the difference for me as I never really had friends before.
                      How about you?
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

                        Bminor;1329444 wrote: And also forgive me please for calling you a dude... I just looked at your profile... I'm an idiot.
                        :H:H:H Dont worry
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

                          It is probably the tighty whiteys that put you off
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Legal stimulants... Pump-It powder??

                            It's a new designer drug. Not illegal yet but give it time sort of like how bath salts are and will be illegal.
                            It's a stimulant and kiddie drug. I say kiddie because this is the sort of things kids buy because they can't get the real thing.

                            Looks like serious bad news to me.

