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Will Someone Be My Naltrexone Mentor?

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    Will Someone Be My Naltrexone Mentor?

    I originally posted this in the Weekly Mods forum, but realized it might fit in better here, so I apologize for the double post.
    Hi everyone. I'm new here, both to MWO forums in general and to this particular forum. I posted about my story more at length in the Just Getting Started forum. I am also new to online forums in general, so if I'm posting in the wrong place or referring to things incorrectly, please let me know.

    The brief version: I am a 32 year old woman and don't consider myself to be an alcoholic...yet. The problem is that I think all signs point to me ending up one if I don't get a handle on my drinking. Until last night, I hadn't gone a night without drinking in months. I am drinking anywhere from 1-4 glasses of wine per night, or sometimes a cocktail and 2-3 glasses of wine. I have a very hard time stopping once I begin to get inebriated. Like a perverse little Energizer bunny, I just keep going...and going...

    Having seen first hand what a hard core alcoholic looks like in my own family, I am trying to avoid it at all costs. I will go AF if I have to, and would much rather do that than go on as I have been, but I would like to try moderating first.

    I began taking Naltrexone a couple of weeks ago and am finding a hard time connecting people who have taken the same route toward moderation. I would be so grateful if some kind soul who has experienced success in moderating with Nal would agree to occasionally PM or chat with me, or even just start a thread. I know everyone's experience is different, but I feel really alone in this experiment and would like have someone who could answer some questions for me/offer support.

    Thank you for reading this.
    With gratitude,

    The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.
    Henry David Thoreau

    Will Someone Be My Naltrexone Mentor?

    Hi Nina, and welcome to MWO.

    This is a great forum, with a lot of helpful people on it, many who use/have used nal (naltrexone).

    What you are contemplating is actually a form of treatment called The Sinclair Method, or TSM. There is another forum made up almost exclusively of people using TSM to combat their drinking problems. There is a lot of TSM-specific information on that site, a lot of reading that you should consider. You can get there by clicking this link:; Index page

    I am using TSM combined with baclofen as my weapons. I post on the other forum as Poink also.

    A Dr. Eskapa wrote a book that introduced TSM to the world titled "The Cure For Alcoholism." It is his opinion that TSM is ideal for those who are not "alcoholic" and who want to prevent further progress down that road, and to in fact regain complete control of their drinking.

    Will it work? I don't know. I am very hopeful that I will be one of the ones that it works miracles with. I hope you are also.

    If I can be of assistance, just PM me.
    "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


      Will Someone Be My Naltrexone Mentor?

      OK, now I feel a little silly. Just read some of your other posts and see that you are fully aware of TSM. Oops. Anyways, I still highly recommend the other forum. It's not nearly as big or as active as this one, but it's some good people sharing a mutual journey.
      "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


        Will Someone Be My Naltrexone Mentor?

        There is a member named UKBlonde and another has a thread i believe if you look in this section it is called Katies Naltrexone Update-- perhaps they can help-- their stories were amazing!


          Will Someone Be My Naltrexone Mentor?

          Hello. I use naltrexone, following the Sinclair Method. As Poink said, there is a forum dedicated to the method at the address he gave. UkBlonde posts there, and KatieSmiles does, as well. So do a lot of other people who have had great outcomes.

          My experience with TSM is in my signature. My consumption of alcohol for about 10 months is there. The top shows the week number, the left the month and each number is how many US alcohol units I consumed that week. My alcohol free days are listed at the right. I was a heavy daily drinker when I began. This has worked wonders for me: I have regained control of my life.

          If I ever may answer any questions, please PM me as I don't come here daily. Best of luck on your journey!
          Sinclair Method (50mg naltrexone one hour before drinking)

          Pre TSM 80-90 Units Per Week, No Alc Free Days

          After control: 3-6 units per month, 25+ alcohol free days!


            Will Someone Be My Naltrexone Mentor?

            Hi Nina

            I too don't come here very often, mainly because I have other things I concentrate on in my life. I can identify with how you are feeling, it's difficult finding someone who understands.

            I still have problems with some friends who if I say to them "I went out and celebrated with a bottle of wine last night", screw up their faces and say "Hang on you aren't supposed to drink" or "Hang on isn't that tablet supposed to stop you from doing that?". Others make comments that make it sound as if I cannot be in the same room as alcohol, stuff like "Going down that route again".FFS I'm a TSM success which means I can choose how much I wish to drink, and most of the time I don't want to drink. If I do it has no consequence apart from spending a few ??s and getting a bit tipsy.

            I drink like a normal person, most of the time I actually do not want alcohol, sometimes I have a glass, sometimes a pint, sometimes shock horror I go out and get drunk (not often I'll add). I don't know if that's moderating because I'll sometimes not have a drink quite happily for several weeks.

            My aim when I set out on TSM was to solve my drinking problem ie stop all the personal, practical trouble and health issues it was causing. I've achieved that and no longer think or worry about alcohol.

            It can however be a difficult and lonely journey, especially when people think abstainence is the only way, and antabuse the only medication. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll try to help when I can.

            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13

