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baclofen I allergic?

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    baclofen I allergic?

    Started baclofen under Dr supervision...third day 3 X 5mg/day...sweaty palms, increased it going to pass, get worse or simply I should give it up?


    baclofen I allergic?

    Hi finlandia and welcome to MWO

    You dont mention anything about your drinking, are you still drinking or have you recently stopped or cut down, any of those things could cause sweaty hands and anxiety. It doesnt sound like an allergy to me but Im not a doctor.

    If you tell us more about your situation then maybe we can give more advice.

    good luck


      baclofen I allergic?

      Hi, Fin. Are you a refugee from Finlandia? Seeking refuge from what? Good vodka!? ( I hope you think that's funny!!!) Or to Finlandia? Seeking adequate medical care is why I'd go. Anyway!

      :welcome: aboard.

      I had side effects in the very low doses. Eventually I started with 5mg/day and worked my way up slowly. I don't think you're allergic! Although the half-life of baclofen is really short, I also felt like it "built up" in some way. This is not what the science says, and could have been in my head, but whenever I felt like I was taking too much, simply taking less for a couple of days often made the side effects go away. You could try taking 10mg (or even 5) for a couple of days, assuming you're comfortable with making the decision, or talking to your doctor about it.

      Are you still drinking? Is the purpose of taking it to stop drinking?

      Glad you posted! I hope you'll keep it up.


        baclofen I allergic?

        Sweaty palms in particular can be a symptom of cutting down or quitting alcohol after having used it regularly, and anxiety can also accompany this. Other symptoms of low-grade alcohol withdrawal include nausea and other digestive upsets, shaky hands, and an elevated temperature. These have been my main initial withdrawal symptoms from alcohol anyway.

        I don't think you should give up baclofen until you have waited for a week or two. If it's really alcohol withdrawal, it should be gone by then. If it does happen to be an allergy to baclofen, it will still be present, although if it's a side effect rather than true allergy then it will probably be gone too.

        If you get any serious symptoms however then you should probably stop baclofen and go back to your doctor. A small minority of people do have a genuine allergy to particular substances, and in those cases, the only thing to do is to stop the substance. It's rare however, although baclofen does seem to cause a wide variety of non-allergy side effects in some people, just from what I have read on this forum. Nearly all find that they adapt to the medication over time, as long as they don't increase the dose too quickly. At 3 x 5 mg per day, you are on an appropriately low starting dose.

