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baclofen for cocaine

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    baclofen for cocaine

    Hi all
    This is my first visit and am looking for any help or advise for use with baclofen for cocaine addiction
    My husband of 22 years is taking 100mg bac for help with alcohol which has been a problem for the last 20 years or so. It has helped massively, he has only had if for the last 4 months but already feels much more in control of his drinking. Unfortunately he started to use cocaine a couple of years ago also and this seems much harder to deal with.
    I think a higher dose is needed to kick this addiction but he denies using coke at all at the moment.
    He attends AA and I go to al-anon, he has also been on an intensive 10 day re-hab both of which have helped but just not enough.
    Would really appreciate any advise as am feeling pretty crushed after hopes getting so high with discovery of baclofen

    baclofen for cocaine

    The effect of baclofen on addiction was first noticed in a cocaine/crack addict, and not an alcoholic, so it definitely applies. I think the guy's name was Edward Coleman, do a search and there should be something about it.


      baclofen for cocaine

      Thanks bleep
      have done a search on Coleman and yes he found that baclofen helped calm his addiction. Guess I will have to take a deep breath and open talks with my husband!


        baclofen for cocaine

        I notice that ur a senior member bleep so perhaps I could ask your advise and anyone else out there who might have experience with baclofen.
        We have been lucky in that our doctor was very interested and helpful prescribing but only wants him to take 75mg a day in 25mg tablets. The trials they did after Coleman used only 60mg so not sure where we should head . He already takes 100mg a day without too many side effects and I know the french dr took 300 at one stage . I believe we need to get the dose higher but the tablets are in quite strong doses, do you think it's safe especially if he's still using?


          baclofen for cocaine

          Bearing in mind that I'm not even close to being a doctor, it's safe to go higher. A lot of people round here have gone much higher than 60. I think baclofen is only prescribed up to 80mg's a day generally, but in order to get the craving suppression effect, it's usually necessary to go above that. How much higher is hard to say, and varies tremendously with each individual. Whether he is using or not doesn't really matter, but can make the SE's worse.


            baclofen for cocaine

            Thats great to hear thanks.
            I have read quite a lot and thought should be ok but its good to hear from real people !


              baclofen for cocaine

              Hi, burger: Here's an interesting bit about baclofen and cocaine.
    [/video]]Baclofen dramatically reduces cocaine craving - YouTube
              I dunno' . . . I've seen So Much go by on this board regarding baclofen. It stopped my shopping compulsion along with my drinking. I'm in touch right now with someone who un-intendedly stopped smoking when he started taking baclofen. I think the bottom-line question to your husband is "what do you want?"
              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                baclofen for cocaine

                Hiya, Burger! And an official :welcome: (Did I get a PM from you? I could be confused...It wouldn't be the first time! :H)

                Anyway. There is absolutely no question that bac works for cocaine, and you've seen the connections...The intention doesn't necessarily matter, in my humble opinion. I say that because of some experiences I've seen with people that are similar to what Redthread mentioned.

                My husband took baclofen for alcohol, reached the switch and gave up the booze (almost effortlessly.) He continued to smoke pot pretty regularly, though not excessively or obsessively anymore. I finally got fed up seeing him bleary and stupid! (I know, that's mean. But it's true.) And told him as much. He stopped (unbeknownst to me) that night and has never smoked again. That was about 9 months ago? We're not sure, because he can't remember and I didn't know.
                That's the miracle. It just stops mattering.
                So if he takes bac, and takes it long enough and in enough quantity, he'll stop caring and then just needs to decide to stop using. In my humble opinion. And based on lots of reading around here. And our experience with it. and :H

                Bac's not easy, but it's sure worth it.
                Glad he's feeling/getting better.

