up to 250 mgs and NOT GIVING UP
greetings all!
I have now been on 250 mgs for about 5 days and take them all at once in the late afternoon. I am experiencing the tingling in the fingers and fatigue (and spend a lot of time in the bathroom) I do have occasional really bad headaches but they eventually go away. I do feel that maybe the 300 mg may be my "off" switch. Can't believe I will be going that high. Have not informed my doc yet that I have been purchasing on line. Will inform him next time I go with a copy of the Lancet journal article. I have been really trying to do all the supps. Have been doing a horrible job of the cds.
I do find the drinking has been cut down dramatically and, in fact, have been AF the last two nights. Have been so busy though that it might just be that I'm exhausted. I do think it is getting through my thick skull that this is going to take a lot of hard work and I NEED TO KEEP THE BOOZE OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, the blissful weight loss HAS NOT HAPPENED TO ME.....I believe this is week 6 or 7 I think.
