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    up to 250 mgs and NOT GIVING UP

    greetings all!

    I have now been on 250 mgs for about 5 days and take them all at once in the late afternoon. I am experiencing the tingling in the fingers and fatigue (and spend a lot of time in the bathroom) I do have occasional really bad headaches but they eventually go away. I do feel that maybe the 300 mg may be my "off" switch. Can't believe I will be going that high. Have not informed my doc yet that I have been purchasing on line. Will inform him next time I go with a copy of the Lancet journal article. I have been really trying to do all the supps. Have been doing a horrible job of the cds.

    I do find the drinking has been cut down dramatically and, in fact, have been AF the last two nights. Have been so busy though that it might just be that I'm exhausted. I do think it is getting through my thick skull that this is going to take a lot of hard work and I NEED TO KEEP THE BOOZE OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By the way, the blissful weight loss HAS NOT HAPPENED TO ME.....I believe this is week 6 or 7 I think.




      Hi me145,

      I have to agree with Toni (demi), Topa works as an off switch. People will reach a different level of dosage that works with them, and the cravings will go and so the desire to drink. The occasional craving will come up, but that can be dealt with easily.

      Hi helpmeout,

      I would not take a large dosage of Topa all at once, but would take it spaced in two doses - morning and afternoon. Better for your system - i.e. 125 mgs in the morning, 125 mgs in the afternoon. Remember, you may not feel the side effects just now, as you've only been on the stuff for a couple of days, but it'll hit you in a day or two. Or a week. Different people react differently, but eventually they will react.
      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:



        helpmeout;168785 wrote: greetings all!

        I have now been on 250 mgs for about 5 days and take them all at once in the late afternoon. I am experiencing the tingling in the fingers and fatigue (and spend a lot of time in the bathroom) I do have occasional really bad headaches but they eventually go away. I do feel that maybe the 300 mg may be my "off" switch....
        Help.....not by any means an expert but 250mg at a time seems to be a lot...most guidelines suggest splitting a dosage this high up over two dosages. I'm sure it would cut down on your side effects...have you tried two 125mg dosages (1 am 1 pm)???? .... 250mg all at once might really be quite a shock for your system. Splitting it up would give you a good steady stream of the Topa through your system throughout most of the day rather than a good "shock" of it every afternoon....seems like the "shock" method would produce a daily UP and DOWN effect of sorts....

        Just my 2 cents on the issue.
        :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:



          Day four on 25 mg. Haven?t really noticed too much of a difference yet. I will move up to 50-mg. tomorrow. I don?t think that I have decreased my drinking yet although I have gone to the gym two times for the first two times in a long time. Don?t know how much is topo related or just pure ready for a change. I am just journaling in on this post.




            I didn't notice a difference until I got to 100 mg. some people have to go way above that.

            I am still not AF, though, may have to go higher, but due to skin issues have been titrating up and down.

            Have just gone back up to 100 mg and was AF yesterday. May be okay there.

            Let us know how it works for you!!

            Good luck!!

            Drink LOTS of water!!!!!!!!

            AF April 9, 2016




              I'm new here, but have been lurking for months.

              I've been taking 150 mgs of topomax for at least 2 weeks now. Started taking 100 at least 2 months ago. And I'm still craving. I hate this. I drank last night.

              I'm 54, female, 150 lbs.

              Today I'll try going up to 175 mgs. Only problem with that is I'll run out of my prescription to early. Dr. won't like that. But I need to know if it will work.




                Good on you, Tamara. Hang in there, and make sure you will NOT run out of your prescription, That is important. At least try to order some supply online or something. Continuity with this kind of drug is important. Remember, it's a drug which alters the chemistry of your mind works, so you cannot just drop the dosage, or stop it.

                Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:



                  Dosage update for my case:

                  You may remember from the start of this thread that I started Topa on 31 January and have been on it until now (Topa dose was 225 mgs, which I had difficulties to cope with, due to panic attacks, and what-have you). Some of those symptoms are difficult to explain, I frankly find it difficult to know if I can put them down to Topa or not, but I write them down, just for argument's sake, as I've been seeing a few doctors and they must by now think I'm nutso:

                  - Tinitis (buzzing in the ear, which occurs off and on)
                  - The feeling of at times being totally spaced out, like I'm outside my body (am I making sense?)
                  - A month ago, when I titrated up to 225 mgs, I woke up with irregular heartbeat, and shortness of breath, thinking 'this is it, I'm gonna have a heart attach!' I'm just 35!!
                  - I also feel tired lately, like totally drained

                  The thing is, last year, due to a history of stress and panic attacks, I don't want to put everything down to Topa. And also, currently due to being alone at the office, I guess my body chemistry is all mixed up.

                  Yet, my strategy is the following (I'm copying from Young at Heart (Kathy):

                  I'm just gonna titrate down from Topa (after having been on the stuff for 6 months, as I'm really as good as AF since 23 June (with two days relapses, which ok, can happen). I will, however, stay on 100 mgs in the evening - to prevent relapse at winehour.

                  The titrating process, I will work as follows - I will decrease my dosage slowly by 25 mgs per week, so as to prevent withdrawals.

                  Anyway, so far for the update.
                  Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:



                    I've been on the Topa for a week now, 25 mg and not planning on going up. If anything, I'm going off it. I am foggy, blah, depressed, don't want to really do anything, include drink. Did have two glasses of wine last night for the first time in a week in a social setting and had no desire for more. Don't want any tonight. Look forward to bed every night as I am so tired. I am trying to decide which is worse, the fighting the craving for alcohol or experiencing the side affects of the topa. I cannot titrate up and have any kind of life or hold down a job. It impairs my energy so much. I read Paddy's latest post and understand the dilemma and contemplated this and waited months to even try the topa because of all the side affects. I have to say that 25 ml of the topa seems to have helped me. No switch but I don't want to drink. I do feel tired, dopey, depressed, can't find certain words. I have ordered the L-glut and Gamma? and will go that route over the next few days and see if that will do it for me. I am an early stage problem drinker. I can quit and don't have any kind of withdrawals. I have quit for months at a time. I get into a habit of drinking more than I want to and I feel the need to reign it in and quit or cut back but I always go back. I was hopeful that the topa would do the trick and it does seem to help but the depression I have is making me feel pretty awful. There is absolutely no way I could double this dose. It gives me anxiety every time I take the 25 ml pill worrying how I will get off the couch and get through the day. I didn't know how I would react. I am very active, play a lot of golf, exercise, walk, have a lot of family and activity around me. I can't be sluggish and tired. My family is asking me what is wrong. I look and sound funky. This drug makes me appear loaded and out of it. I am not normally drunk, but my kids are asking me why I'm yawning all the time and laying on the couch. What is wrong with you, mom? I don't like this. Any advice? I'm only at 25 mg.




                      Hey yah,

                      I just pm'd you. Don't worry too much. This is just a normal reaction. Particularly if you have been on the drug for only a week. Some people like myself became like that on higher doses. This shall pass, too. Usually after a week or two. Drink plenty of water and take vitamin C. And go to sleep early. You'll see. The usual rule is if the side effects don't go away after a couple of weeks, or max one month, stop the medication. As with any medication, it's always good to take it under the supervision of a doctor ...
                      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:



                        Thanks Paddy for the PM. Am not sure how to reply as it says not to reply to the message directly. I am feeling better today. I stayed up really late last night on the phone and I woke up this morning feeling like doing something. Went golfing and am going to work in the yard. For the first time in ten days, I don't feel that dark cloud over my head. I am going to hold off on titrating up until I feel better. I am so discouraged by feeling depressed and down. I am amble to control my drinking often by avoiding being around it but sometimes it gets difficult. I noticed the other day it tasted different and I was sipping it at a much slower rate. It took me two full hours to drink two very small glasses and I had no desire for more afterward. Two drinks in ten days isn't bad.

                        Thanks for the encouragement. I am going to check my mail today and try the L Glut and see if that helps in the evening. I have not been drinking enough water at night I'm sure. I'll hang in there. Today is better. I noticed yesterday that within an hour of taking the Topa, I was yawning like crazy and done for the day so I'm going to take it at night. It doesn't keep me up.




                          I've observed this thread from this thread from the beginng of my journey -ah the word loss and a little of the drinking. Once I kicked into the 100 mg I was at light switch and right now I've drank way too much which in the past it was an was an every night thing. I know I won't do this tomorrow cause I don't buy it anymore and I'll have a hang over. For me I fill my time with work or home stuff gardnening - I'm thinking I need to do the exercise thing cause I'm approaching 50 and I so want to greet 50 and say here I am what's going for the last 50 years?



                            Just an update from me -

                            I titrated down to 125 mgs in the hope I could beat my cravings with just being on 100 mgs Topa around wine hour (evenings) and do the supps. Failed dismally.

                            I'll go up to my usual 175 - 200 mgs Topa again, stuff the side effects, but the last two days saw me going back to the bottle again ....
                            Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                              TOPAMAX SURVEY - DOSAGE/LENGTH OF TIME/SUCCESS

                              Interesting. I popped into the program in March and started the program, but really haven't been on the boards much because of time constraints. I really wish I had the time to do the CD's. I bought them and when I started it all worked as advertised. My doc asked me if I planned to be on Topa for the rest of my life and I said no and titrated off at the same rate as going onto the program. (He'd never heard this use for Topa either and I coached him the whole way.) Anyway, I've noticed an increase in consumption since being off but I'm not sure whether it's Topa or other factors. I'm certainly 80% better than I used to be. Anyway, I appreciate the link to the 'pharmacy' from Allie, but WOW is that expensive. That's twice what I pay in the US. The generic version from soberinusa, I might have to consider. What I'm really curious about is the L-glut, as referenced by Marcel. I've heard the term, but know nothing about it. Care to give me a head start? Not really a quick reply, sorry.


                                TOPAMAX SURVEY - DOSAGE/LENGTH OF TIME/SUCCESS

                                Looking for some help!
                                Has anyone had trouble getting onto I would like to order Naltrexone and try it out. Everytime I try to log on nothing happens. It seems to be just stuck. Thanks for your help.

