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    Marcel, Cloudjockey, and Demi -

    I completely understand that feeling of missing something - or at least the routine of taking in alcohol. The way I deal with it is whenever it overcomes me is to drinks loads of water. Half a bottle or so. That's purely psychological, just to quench thirst. Once that's done, you're at least not thirsty anymore.

    Then you deal with the sitting on the couch. The fact that you're sitting on the couch and think of the alcohol means that you need to fill your mind with something else, or keep your mind busy with something, so read a book, or do something physical like maybe a sports or something which makes you tired and keeps your mind off. For myself, I found not so much sports the solution (I hate sports, grin ...), but photography. I just get the hell out of home, and go on a photoshooting spree. It's a learning process, and takes time, frankly.

    Hope that helps.
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:




      I am just two weeks into the TOPA--50 mg. No brain fog, little reduction in cravings, but extreme fatigue. I am doing the supplements. Any other suggestions?
      AF Since April 20, 2008
      4 Years!!!



        Hang in there Momo. I've been there, too. Extreme fatigue will eventually fade away. Really. Just hang in there.

        Mate, I hit the sack at 8 pm, so tired I was, grin ... But after a couple of week that'll be ok.

        Suggestion: Do the thread from 1 - now, that'll enlighten you
        Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:



          Hello fellow Topa Dopas:

          Just thought I'd check in and let you know how it's going. For those who don't know me I have been on Topa since mid Feb 2007 and have gone up to 200 mgs a day and have been there since about mid March. I went through the periods of being SUPER tired, kinda stupid, had tingly hands and feet, and had to stop drinking carbonated soda. Worst of all...didn't lose any weight. SOB!!! All of that has gone away. I am MODS, not AF, by choice. My drinking has gone way down and I am very happy with the results. The reason I am checking in today is to tell you that I recently had another blood test and my results on my liver came back normal. This has not happened to me in YEARS. My liver function has been elevated for about 5 years and I know it was due to my excessive drinking. My blood pressure is also way down. So, if you are still thinking about taking Topa, let me just nudge you a little bit. If it helps you to decrease your drinking...THAT IS A VERY GOOD THING!!!! One of the other side effects can also be blood pressure decrease. ANOTHER VERY GOOD THING. Ok, my jeans are still a bit tight, but my insides are healing. Just thought I would express some of the good side effects, not talk about all the annoying little ones that people tend to bring up.

          I sincerely hope you all find happiness in whatever you decide!!!! HUGS!!!
          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:



            So glad to hear your great report NL...I had a scare at the beginning of the year when I had an elevated liver function report...that was a wake up call for me letting me know I needed to make a change...that is when I decided it was time to make the change...I got back on the supps and when that wasn't enough ( i had tried them before) I ordered TOPA...the topa has helped tremendously...
            :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:



              going to give it a try

              I posted a couple of months ago. Ordered the supplements and took them off and on. It is a serious regimen and I am terrible at taking pills. Got really hyped after reading the book and have been off and on ever since. I listened to one CD the other day but I cannot imagine how anyone with anything on their schedule can do all of them as prescribed. I did enjoy it but it was looooong.

              I am scared of the Topa but after drinking too much two nights ago and being a bully to my husband, I have come back to this site for support. I ordered the Topa online a few minutes ago but I am going to talk to my doctor about getting it for migraines. I recently switched medical insurance and was stunned to find out how many issues can keep you from getting a private insurance policy so I will be careful to ask her not to document the alcohol cravings. I don't think this is being prescribed here much and hopefully she will feel comfortable doing it for me as I want my blood work done. I am going to give it a try as I feel I cannot overcome this on my own. I like to drink wine and rarely stop at two glasses, usually downing a whole bottle by myself. My husband drinks as well but he quits and turns to water after a couple. He just gets more mellow.

              I want to ask how many of you drink and occasionally get really pissy, pick arguments with your spouse and then have no idea what was wrong with you? I am very concerned as this is affecting my marriage and it has happened now more frequently over a period of years. It has also affected my relationship at times with other family members. My father was an alcoholic and I am all too familiar with this behavior but I cannot believe I am the one exhibiting it. I do not act like this when sober or not drinking but I have not read that much about it here. It is a good motivation to quit altogether but it is so easy to fall off.

              On The Rocks



                On the Rocks.. darlin... your story is mine. Let's click together here and continue on!~
                Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child



                  On the Rocks,
                  I can really relate to the getting pissy after a few drinks, not always but its not nice for those around. White wine seems to be the worst for this, I've seen it in others too. Its one of the nicest things about not drinking, being calmer and not nasty anymore.
                  Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.



                    Thanks for your comments. I can relate. And I have not had anything in a couple of days and really don't want to. I have also noticed my anger is always when I drink white wine and I mentioned it to my husband and he wasn't so sure. I wonder how many others have this issue with it. I admit, it is my favorite, but I don't seem to have problems with martinis. I also don't drink as much with hard alcohol for some reason. I tend to make them weaker and weaker and finally don't it any more.

                    I ordered the topa online and also made an appointment to see my doctor next week for a script and follow up.

                    on the rocks



                      Hi, How did you all get the topa? I ordered from Aclepsa over a month ago and still have not seen it? Do not want to go to my personal MD for the usual reasons.



                        I would contact them Molly...they have a phone number on their web took me about three weeks the first time I ordered...they are usually pretty responsive.
                        :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:



                          Hi All
                          just checking in after 15 days travelling AND titrating up on topa for all of them! Up to 100mg now and about to go up to 125 today. It seems to have worked already for me. I had a binge on day 3 and then drank with increasing 'control' for me for the next 10 days when I had another little emotional binge. But I must say that as the days went by the 'stinkin thinkin' about drinkin has all but disappeared. Cravings have massively reduced. I have been entirely ambivalent from the start about abs or moderation and have not yet made that decision - making it as I go along. But, I can safely say I believe now that abs will be entirely possible if I keep going like this. The 'hold' wine has had on me seems to be loosening. I know that my cravings are psychological BUT I do believe the topa is re-wiring my psychology and am looking forward to seeing the effects of the next elevation. I have still finished an entire bottle of wine if it is available to me but, have had no inclinatio to go out and get a second. I have also easily had AF days and glasses of wine with lunch that did not necessitate a binge at home later. I hope that escalating my topa will allow me to leave the bottle half full. If not, then I will be going AF. Side affects??? Yes, tingling all over which I am ashamed to say I've rather enjoyed :-) Up all night for 4 nights but I thought that was the humidity in Berlin where I was attending a conference. Afternoon tiredness but nothing else. The hypno and other supplementation rituals very important. Another UK based resource which i found very helpful in the past recommends you plan a big project to kick in for when you cut out alcohol to fill your time. Im lucky, Ive been trying to write up my PhD for 3 years - so now its actually getting a look in. Make a plan to achieve something youve always procrastinated because of your drinking. In my experience alcohol was a major robber of my dreams.

                          By the way that UK resource is called and they have private specialists including psychiatrists and GPs who understand addiction and will see you in Harley St in London. I have not yet talked to them about this program but, when I have tested topamax for myself I will be giving them a call to 'go legitimate' as it were. They might be of help to some on here - be sure and bring info and papers along.

                          I fell off the drink tracker - with all my travelling but will start again now in June. I will keep all informed of progress.

                          Love Camelia
                          Wine tomorrow, wine yesterday but NO wine today



                            Thanks Camelia. For me Topa's done the trick. I'm on mods currently. Still trying to see how to work out a strategy for the long run. The hardest part is when I'm on mission and have to do functions - lunches and dinners ...

                            Quite frankly, the best for me would be just two glasses of wine a day. But with these lunches and dinners I end up with four. Which is ok, compared with earlier days when I counted my alcohol intake in bottles, but still, I'm happier with myself when counting in two glasses ...
                            Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                              TOPAMAX SURVEY - DOSAGE/LENGTH OF TIME/SUCCESS

                              I think its great to see that you can do mods like that. Its great to see someone for whom mods is working. Thanks for letting us know.
                              Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                                TOPAMAX SURVEY - DOSAGE/LENGTH OF TIME/SUCCESS

                                Hi everyone,
                                I'm finally up to 75 mg per day on the Topa and I'm happy to say that after 3 days of 75 mg I had my first AF day in over 10 years. I feel so good today and just had to share it.
                                I've also lost 6 pounds! It's a drop in the bucket for me but I won't complain.

                                The only other side effect at present is a slight tingling/electrical feeling in the soles of my feet a couple of hours after taking the evening dose, but it only lasts for a few minutes. I can live with it.

                                Thanks for all the encouragement, whether direct or indirect.

                                If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger

