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    Maybe you post it under a new thread to get immediate help

    STARLIGHT;179429 wrote: Looking for some help!
    Has anyone had trouble getting onto I would like to order Naltrexone and try it out. Everytime I try to log on nothing happens. It seems to be just stuck. Thanks for your help.
    Maybe you put it under a new thread to get immediate attn.
    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:



      I haven't been on in a long while - been mostly abstinent, mostly because I'm in a buttload of debt and can't afford more than a minimum amount of food to keep me and my cats afloat. Basically living paycheck to paycheck. Been on Topa since December 2006, for bipolar disorder in addition to alcoholism and while I have curbed greatly I do still tend to binge when I don't have to pay for drinks. Otherwise I perhaps I have one every couple months. Last one I remember was one Long Island for my birthday a week ago. I also take other medications for bipolar disorder and insomnia - Wellbutrin and Lamictal. The Lamictal tends to interact with most everything and increases the concentration of everything in your system; or so I read. The side effects I'm left with are extreme short term memory loss, I have to write everything down or I forgot; complete inability to type, I don't think I could type 75 anymore, and EXTREME weight loss. I have lost 35 pounds, and I'm now 5'3.5 and 96 pounds. That's *way* too low and I look like hell - a size 0 is too big. I'm on 150 Topa and we're afraid to increase for that reason. I might ask for a supplement of Naltrexone (however, I don't want to gain *all* weight back of course!) Does anyone know if that drug is a weight gainer?




        You are an inspiration to us all and as you have told us all, we need to experiment with the drug. I don't know why you thought that you should take 1/2 of what you were taking but we'll support you, but as you can see it's not the answer. I would Pm you but I'm not that computer literate. I have a managerial job but yet I can't figure that out. However, you can speak 7 languages and hope you know that at this point you can't beat your cravings with 100 mg of topa at wine hour; when just last week you said you found the cure at 225 mg? . When you find the secret, share it please with us all? You're our leader or at least our explorer. I'll be 48 tomorrow and I never thought I'd be at this place in my life. They say that a bonfire can bring good luck in your life so tomorrow there will be one lit in my yard hoping to bring good things in my life next year.

        And for all of you that live in the US that don't go to your doctor for perscriptions, find another doctor. There are plenty out there that are willing to listen to you and this wonderful program.



          little help

          ok let me jump in on this
          first off im 6 foot 190 lbs and i worked my way up to 300 mgs of topa yes i had some killer headaches and the tingling and what not but i figured it had to be alot better then the 10 to 12 beers a night i was drinking (during the week) and i cant tell you how much on weekends. But now after 3 months at 300mg i drink occasionally and never to excess. but do i need to start to taper off my meds? are there any long term effects. now i did use all the sups but the all in on powder. hope this helped
          http://localhost/gimport/cache/avatars/aude sapere "have the corage to gain to insight"



            Hi everyone,
            I have been on Topa for three weeks, started on 25mg for a week, then 50 mg and just gone up to 100mg. Does anyone know if it's best to take 50 in the am and 50 at night, does this make any difference? I have noticed that it's ruined the taste of beer but beer is not really my problem, it's red wine that I love! I have definitely slowed down, don't drink so fast, or so much. I have lots of tingling in my hands and feet, I am tired all the time and keep losing words, just as I had read in everyone else's stories. I have lost a few kilos in weight.

            I am 59yrs old, 63kg and 170cm tall. I hope that I can work through the side effects until they wear off as many others seem to have done. My quality of life is definitely improving as I drink less and feel better about myself.

            I wish everyone good luck. I'll leave you all with the words of St Francis de Sales who said "Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew."




              Carys: The highest I went on topa was 125mg at about weeks eight to ten. I would take
              50mg in the morning and 75mg in the afternoon. Then at about 14 weeks AF I started titrating all the way down to just one 25mg in the morning. The 25mg seemed to be just as effective as the previous higher doses ie. no cravings or whatever you want to call them at all. Then about two weeks ago I went off the topa completely to see what would happen. I certainly can feel the difference in terms of more drinking thoughts, they aren't really thoughts but more like reactions like when you go to the doctor and she hits you on the knee with the rubber hammer and your leg kicks up; for instance, I got a bill the other day that came in many thousands of dollars more than I expected and my instant reaction was wine, I need wine. I believe its these reactions that the topa takes away, at least for me. I am 4.5 months AF now so I have more tools to deal with these "thoughts/reactions" but if it gets to the point that I convince myself it is ok to drink again I will start the topa again immediately.

              BTW I am 6'1" and 205lbs but I don't know if a person's size has anything to do with how the topa works.

              Best wishes.



                Paddy-Just wondering if you're out there and what's going on in your journey? For everyone else I think it's as Paddy says it's truly about what works for you and your body; it's different for each of us. I just went up to 150 mg. It seems like it's easier to keep track of the dosag. I have difficulties with the control issue - I like a lot of people on the site may have to do the AF deal. As long as I don't start the switch stays off but if I start forget it.



                  so far so good

                  47 yo F. started 25 mg/day July 9 2007 under medical supervision. Bumped up 25 mg every 7 days. I had minimal side effects, tingling in the hands, feet and mouth (it was like eating pop rocks) and metalic taste, but only for a day or two after bump ups and only after 75 mg. No really noticable positive effects until the third day after reaching 100 mgs when it was like somebody turned a switch! I feel really great, I am more active, more engaged in other constructive activities, cravings virtually disappeared and those that do turn up are readily handled with the coping skills I have learned in clinic that never seemed to work for me before. After a few weeks at 100 mg I had an episode of severe craving with no identifiable trigger. My provider and I discussed it and we jointly decided to bump me up some more, in stages, at my discretion to 125 and now 150. We expect that over the next few months I will settle in somewhere around 200. Absolutely no side effects in the most recent bump ups BTW.

                  I have also noticed an effect on impulse control in other areas. My favorite example is walking through the kitchen, seeing a bowl of fruit and thinking, mmm, that peach looks really good. Normally, that peach would be in my mouth already. Instead, I immediately thought: "you're not hungry, you're just bored." I actually looked around to see who said that. It's like I have a frontal lobe for the first time in my life.

                  But seriously, I have been alcoholic since I was 14. I mean I hid my empties under my stuffed animals! My father was alcoholic, my mother's father was alcoholic, her sister died of alcoholism at my age after having 2 FAS kids. My brother and sister are alcoholic. I managed a 14 year period of sobriety some years ago but then went down the tubes worse than ever. At my peak I drank from 6 AM til night daily. I polished off 1.75 liters of vodka every 2 days. Despite really good medical and psychological treatment and a good history of past recovery I was really struggling. I had been able to put together 30 days, 40 days, 49 days, but I kept relapsing (6 days sober, 4 days sober...). Naltrexone did nothing for me. Campral seemed a little better, but it turned my stomach and intestines inside out.

                  Currently AF for 36 days and no cravings.

                  I can't tell you how glad I am to have found something that worked for me. Which is a lesson in itself. Just keep trying. Nothing works for everybody. Just keep trying.



                    Hey everybody out there, Howdy.
                    Just found this site 2 days ago. Downloaded the book, read the book. I so relate...Got sober when i was 23 through AA. Attended meetings for 15 years + 8 months. Started drinking again at age 38. Now i'm 48. Have been to meetings off and on in the last 10 years, and i really just can't or am unwilling to do the AA thing again. Yes, my drinking has progressed. I am still functioning; have a stable job. But, i'm really tired of the routine. I know this has to stop or it's gonna stop me. My latest romantic interest increasingly had no tolerance for my alcholol consumption and suggested i check out "Chantix". That's how i found this site.
                    So now, i've got to get all my soldgiers lined up. Order the tapes and nutritional stuff. He, the now lost romantic interest, blasted me for even considering Topiramate. He is positive that Chantix is the way to go.
                    Anybody have any input on Chantix versus Topiramate? Also, generic versus name brand?
                    I really hope this site is the real deal and not just another internet scam.
                    Hopefully sober soon, Marry



                      Has anyone had the side effect of ichy and burning eyes?
                      Topomax is the only new drug that i have introduced to my system and i have a friend that takes it as a part of a weight loss program and she said she remembers the eye problem as one of her treatment possible side effects.

                      Normal eye drops don't do the job. I stopped the topomax and the eyes got a little better.

                      ever heard of eye problems with Topo?



                        I guess I can finally answer this.

                        I'm 5'4 140lbs I start topa 9/3
                        50mg topa in the am (can't take it at night because it keeps me up all night) some tingling, lightheadedness, forget names, slight tiredness. My appetite is actually unchanged (maybe even a little bit more) which SUCKS. I have been AF for 8 days and made it through the weekend. I craved a little bit but not too bad. I feel very good about being AF. I hope to stay AF for two months and then try a glass of wine or two only when I go out for dinner or to someone's house for a party. That will be the real trick. I hope to only stay on the topamax for two months because I only bought enough for two months and I tried to order more and customs seized it. My first seizure even though I have ordered meds online for years (thyroid and metformin). Anyone else have this happen? I also hope to lose 25 lbs. I put on about 30lbs drinking. Sadly it doesn't look like the topa is going to help with this so looks like I will have to do it the hard way although I'm sure not drinking helps.



                          Cd, Glad your doing well on the Topa. I'm concerned though that Customs seized your shipment. How were you notified? What pharmacy did you purchase it from? Has anyone else had this happen?
                          Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie



                            I ordered it from Medsmex. I received a letter from the FDA saying they have the shipment and would send it back unless they heard from me with a legitimate reason for me to have these. They gave me an address, phone number and email where I can notify them. It said that they were not accusing me of commiting a crime. I have heard of this happening before but never had it happen to me. I contacted medsmex and they said if I send them the letter they will refund the money. They said it happens occasionally.


                              TOPAMAX SURVEY - DOSAGE/LENGTH OF TIME/SUCCESS

                              HI Cd - That's wierd, and doesn't it figure!! I've ordered a few things from overseas and nothing has ever happened. I'm glad to hear you are doing so well.

                              I am going to enter my Topa adventure here in the lists just FYI. I have started topa twice in the past month or so and each time the symptoms get to me. When I take it I don't feel like drinking, but that's because it doesn't really taste that good, and I'm so tired I'd rather go to bed. I have been an evening drinker for 12 years or so, 3 or 4 nights a week. I wish I could say I have the self-control to take the topa because I want to drink less, but I don't take the topa so I can enjoy drinking. It's all a mind game, for me at least.

                              I started out just like the book recommends, 25 at pm. I went one week, stopped for a week, then did 25 at am and 25 at pm, after 3 days the symptoms went away, but then came back two days later. AT that point I'd really rather have a little hangover then itchy crawly skin, tiredness and an odd anxious feeling.

                              But, here's my point, I definitely drank less. I just have to get past the symptoms. Thanks for listening. Good luck, all.


                                TOPAMAX SURVEY - DOSAGE/LENGTH OF TIME/SUCCESS

                                hey pacifico - I saw your post about your eyes. There is definitely an eye danger with topamax - it is one of the really evil side effects. Just wanted you to encourage you to stop for sure or get to a doctor before damage is done. Best of luck, Much

