Hi JD and everyone
JD - I didn't realise you were AF going up. My counsellor last week said to everyone that "it's not a race" and "don't compare yourself to others". It's good philosophy for life. Also think you said you would have to reinvent your life as there was not much happening. I already have too much going on.
My GP agreed that I should maintain at 140 for now & moderate. So far so good. No more zopiclone. If I were ever to go up again there would need to be some controls in place. Hubby would need to give me bac so I didn't OD by mistake again. As usual he was great.
My focus has been getting some couselling for my youngest, who has had numerous "viruses" until it became apparent it was more than that. He's wanted to go to another school for a while and it's just not possible. His school is wonderful. He built himself into such a state of anxiety around going that a counselling session or 2 became necessary. Today I had to use the threat of no soccer tomorrow if he didn't go to school. The deputy head said the truancy officer would be called and that the police would get involved. He has missed a lot of school. Luckily he is well above average academically. Then he had a super cruisey day at school. Powered thru his homework and been on Pc playing games and Skpying friends ever since!
Have a great weekend everyone.