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HDB and Recreational Drug Interactions?

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    HDB and Recreational Drug Interactions?

    Hi guys -

    I take 280mgs of Baclofen a day - I've been holding there for a couple months now and my SEs are all but completely gone. It controls my drinking, everything is fine and dandy on that front really. I worry though about potential drug interactions, in this case specifically about some potential recreational drug interactions.

    I'm getting ready to go to a concert next week, and there will be an opportunity to take MDMA and/or LSD. Now I can't imagine LSD having any sort of interplay with the bac, but what about MDMA? The only literature I can find says that bac controlled the rise in temp from MDMA in tests w/ rats. As a human taking I'm assuming a much, much higher dose of bac this seems to have little bearing on me.

    Anyway, do any other HDB users have any experience with this - MDMA or LSD? Probably going to get Dr. L's take on it as well, though I'm sure he'll tell me not to do either, ever.

    If it makes any difference, Piracetam will probably be in the mix as well, as I'm adding that to daily routine to combat some of the ADD/fogginess that still plagues me a little bit from the bac (and my own tendency toward that).

    - Grizz

    HDB and Recreational Drug Interactions?

    PM Lo0p. I don't know if he's got experience, but I bet he has an opinion!


      HDB and Recreational Drug Interactions?

      Done - thanks for the tip!


        HDB and Recreational Drug Interactions?

        Baclofen seemed to slightly reduce the effectiveness of the MDMA, but it could easily have just been crap pills. Nothing bad happened though.


          HDB and Recreational Drug Interactions?

          HDB with psychedelics seems risky.HDB can be psychedelic on it own esp when you a new to bacs and take a large dose at once.Personally I would not risk this.There is a seizure risk also,both bacs and pychedelics lower the seizure theshhold.Taking bacs with psychedelics may double risk.


            HDB and Recreational Drug Interactions?

            Oh and be very careful.LSD is not likely to be real LSD.Mostly likely to be the Nbome series-very dangerous chemicals put in pills and blotters.Many fatal outcomes have occured from the Nbomes.As for MDMA,dont do it.too many other chemicals added.


              HDB and Recreational Drug Interactions?

              Just to follow up should anybody search this thread at a later date - no issues at all to report. Obviously go slow and listen to your body, but I found no adverse reactions. I don't have a ton of experience to compare to regarding effectiveness, potentiation, etc. but I was fine.


                HDB and Recreational Drug Interactions?

                Good to hear you boldly went forth in the name of research, Grizzy :H.

                Seriously, glad it worked out OK.

